11th KDTTA championship 2022

The winners with others during 11th KDTTA championship 2022 in Kohima on July 8.

The winners with others during 11th KDTTA championship 2022 in Kohima on July 8.

Our Correspondent
Kohima | July 8 

The Kohima District Table Tennis Association (KDTTA) successfully conducted its 11th KDTTA Championship 2022 from July 7 to 8 at Indoor TT Stadium, Kohima.

65 players joined the championship including 15 female. 

Kezhale-ü Keretsii, Swelul Pucho, NTTA president and Victor Ezung distributed prizes to the winners this afternoon. The refreshment of the tournament was sponsored by Dr. Asalie Khezhie and Kevirielie Dzüvichü. 

Winners of the 11th KDTTA Championship

Sub Junior Boys: Winner- Mhasivi Miachieo, 
Runner up- Vilavotuo Linyii
Sub Junior Girls: Winner- Kesinuo Dzüvichü, 
Runner up- Vichaduonuo Rame
Junior Boys: Winner- Mhasivi Miachieo, 
Runner up-Ketouravi Metha
Junior Girls: Winner- Ketoulhounuo Rame, 
Runner up- Vichaduonuo Rame
Men’s Single: Winner- Seyievilie Seyie, 
Runner up- Kevirielie Dzüvichü
Women’s Single: Winner- Kesinuo Dziivichü. 
Runner up- Zelhouneinuo Rame
Men’s Doubles: Winner- Vitho Neikha & Vikuo Metha, Runner up- Meyinukshi Longkumer & Metevito Kintso
Women’s Doubles: Winner- Vichaduonuo Rame & Ketoulhounuo Rame, 
Runner up- Kesinuo Dzüvichü & Pekrusenuo Yiese
Mixed Doubles: Winner- Seyievilie Seyie & Zelhouneinuo Rame, Runner up- Kelhouravi Rutsa & Vichaduonuo Rame
Veteran Single: Winner- Kevirielie Dzüvichü, 
Runner up- Thejakhrienyü Solo