DIMAPUR, APRIL 23 (MExN): The 3 Corps, Rangapahar donated a set of sound equipments and musical instruments to the Mind Blowers Club (MBC) Society on Saturday, April 23. The equipments were donated under Operation Sadbhavana (civic action programme) of the Indian Army. Lt. Col. Sameer Talwar handed over the equipments to the MBC today on behalf of the GOC, 3 Corps at a programme held at Dimapur Club. The project was executed under the guidance of Brig. Rajesh Tyagi of the 69 Engineer Regiment. The objective of the gesture was to ensure that it facilitates the club in conducting activities for the promotion of local talents in the field of music as well as a gesture of goodwill of the Indian Army towards the people of Nagaland. The Mind Blowers Club was formed in the year 2005 by a group of educated young women with the objective of promoting musical talents in Nagaland.