May I draw your kind attention to the subject; Armed Forces Special Powers Act, 1958 “(AFSPA) IS AN INHUMAN LAW?”
In 2006 during his visit to Assam, the Prime Minister of India (quote) “had assured the people of Northeast that AFSPA would be replaced by a more humane law” (unquote). That was an open admission by the head of the Govt. of India that AFSPA is an inhuman law. Human is human and there’s nothing such as ‘less human’ or ‘more human’. What is not human can only be a beast. The actions of the Indian armies on unarmed innocent civilians under AFSPA cover only proved nothing less than beastly.
India is often called the largest democracy in the world. The martial law that has been in existence in the Northeast India for over fifty years proved otherwise. It is unfortunate that the Indian law makers have no human wisdom to mechanize alternative instrument to tackle insurgency or seal its far northeast border. Globally, India is well-known for its poor human rights records. True, respect for human life is not one-way traffic as far as armed personnel from both sides are concerned. But AFSPA’s sacrilege on unarmed innocent civilians has no parallel.
What makes democracy different from other political systems in the world is the respect for human life. Any law that doesn’t respect human life is not democratic in true sense. Sense of alienation by northeast people is Delhi’s own creation. India should stop applying different yardstick on northeast people. It has reached a situation of either ‘take it’ or ‘leave it’. Humanity is above man-made law. AFSPA should be repealed in to-to for the sake of humanity.
(Dr. K. Hoshi)
Camp : Dimapur
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