Another FGN official alleges of forced signing

DIMAPUR, NOV 20 (MExN): In support of FGN Kilonsers I Toshi Ao and L Palang Khiamniungan, the Midan Peyu of Phom Region, FGN, NN Phom has also stated that he was also a victim as the two aforementioned Kilonsers who were forced to sign in support of Brigadier S Singnya.

Giving account, the Midan Peyu stated in a press statement that on May 23, 2005 an emergency meting was called by P Puthai where it was pressed upon the attendees to reject general V Metha, newly elected Kedahge (President) of FGN and instead support Brigadier S Singnya as President who had already retired from the said post.

In the meeting NN Phom stated that he was forced to sign of readymade document drafted by VK Mere Angami when he came to Noklak in May 2005. The document was drafted by Mere and typed by himself too, Phom said adding that the victims who were made to sign on the documents belonging to the Phom, Chang, United Sangtam, Yimchunger, Konyak and Khiamniungan Regions. From Yimchunger Region was Royemkiu, PRO, from Konyak Region Sergeant Poupai Konyak, from Chang Region Chuba and from United Sangtam Tripongtse all were made to sign without the knowledge of the higher authorities according to NN Phom adding that Khiamniungan Region’s Midan Peyu Lamgkhang signed the document on his own interest without having understanding of the Khiamniungan Regional authorities. 

“I knew that we signed on the document to reject the constitutionally elected President of our country was a gross violation of Nagaland’s Yehzabo (constitution) therefore I was attempting to slip out from Noklak” he said adding that he slipped out of Noklak in the last week of October 2005. The Midan Peyu also stated that the regional Midan Peyus are appointed by the Kedahge as direct agents of the President in the regions.

“As we are only government servants we have no power to vote or pronounce to reject or elect the President of Nagaland” NN Phom stated.

In this regard, he averred that the declarations of the six Regions in may 2005 to reject the constitutionally elected president and to disassociate with the Kohima Transit peace Camp was an unconditional act which was initiated only by some vested interests to create misunderstanding among the national workers.

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