1. YES 2. NO 3. Maybe
Those who voted NO had to say:
• What a stupid question when the bigger and more tangible issue of prohibition is still not enforced. How can you miss the cow and hope to still find the needle in the haystack? But the answer is No.
• Nope because the law agencies are mainly the ones under the influence. Who checks who?
• Because people who are suppose to check the things also indulges in the same. So how can they check others?
• No, how can we expect them to when they themselves are under the influence of it.
• I think law agencies are not at all doing enough, rules and regulations are there on printed papers in office that’s all. We cannot fully blame the persons working under those agencies but at same time ....they have to do a lot, they also should not take alcohol before and while driving...
• Sadly,”NO”.I am yet to hear about a single conviction or suspending of driving license for accident/accidents caused due to drunken driving. We do not have personnel’s trained to detect such cases. Walking the “chalk line” will easily determine a drunk driver and also can be amusing, while referring to a breathe analyzer test will be the most scientific and fool proof method. Any takers?
• Law maker should reduce the price of alcohol Rs.5 per bottle so that nobody make or produce alcohol. Law makers should make the price 5,000 per bottle so that people cannot buy.
• Of course not! The law agencies are doing nothing to curb this menace. There isn’t any Checking of the alcohol level of the drivers in any of the state’s highways nor in any of the towns.
• Not at all. How is it possible for law agencies to check driving under the influence of alcohol, when the police are for the most part DRUNK themselves. If the police wish to effectively check drunk drivers, the police will have to first lead by example by checking their own colleagues for performing under the influence of alcohol. The drive to check driving under the influence of alcohol must first start with the Police force.
• Because even those who are suppose to check law and order are not sincere in their work. Infact, we see them this way.
• Not at all. How can they check when the cops themselves are drunk? This question has
Implied that prohibition has failed quite miserably in Nagaland.