Are you satisfied with the over-all performance of the Dimapur Municipal Council?

Those who voted NO had to say:

• Nay! I think outsiders should stop poking there noses in the affairs of DMC. They talk big about politics of peace and integration but what really transpires is just getting n making money. Stop looting the Nagas! Than things will get better and DMC will performed great.

• Because it’s shinning only in parts of the town. The DMC does not realize the most significant areas for fast upliftment.

• I am not from Dimapur but pass through Dimapur often. Needless to say I feel Dimapur is much mismanaged. I think the councilors are there to be served by the people and not the other way round.

• What very little DMC has done has been overshadowed by the internal bickering among its councillors.This itself is testimony to the fact that the elected councilors are lest bothered about public welfare and are busy trying to quench their greed for power and money. Its time that the public stop being just mute spectators and demand their respective councilors to carry out their duties with a sense of responsibility

Those who voted YES had to say

•DMC has shown in action which is evident from their works. Keep it up!
• A lot more is desired from the DMC. There is still a long way to go before it can be said that the DMC has done well. However, having just completed its first year in office, it can be acknowledged that the DMC has begun to take steps that have been welcomed by the people. The DMC has not realized its full potential, but it can be said that neither is it dormant. So for now, I am satisfied with the DMC performance.

• Because god knows n u knows the part of cleanliness towards eternity of Dimapur town to make a city.

• Satisfied with the DMC under the dynamic Chairmanship of Y. Vikheho Awomi

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