• One disturbing trend during the recently concluded elections was the talking point by the politicians during canvassing that the voters should vote for the ruling party or the party of the local MLA to ensure development of the respective wards. This goes against the very idea of grassroot democracy. It is We, the People, who are electing representatives for local bodies on the basis of who we think is the most suitable person irrespective of the party. Isn't it that development should be carried out in all the wards irrespective of who the voters have voted for in their wards? Such subtle and overt messaging goes against the principles of public empowerment. Naga public should affirm louder in future that who we elect is our choice. The job of the government is to honour that choice. This should be made clear by the public during canvassing in future local body elections.
• Don't accept nor ask money from your candidate. Just don't sell your precious vote
• Mentality. Why so much fuss over elections? Nagaland for Christ v/s Nagaland for elections.
• Mindset/mentality of the people no laws can control the people of Naga.
• Let's select not elect.. People's divided by elect but United by select.. Based on the recent ULB atmosphere.
• More 25 below women candidate
• Nothing as of now. Only time and proper quality education will wipe this practice. We have gone to our lowest point of shame.
• EVMs should be integrated with bio matrix systems such that the voting machine is only activated via the voter's eye scan and finger print, if this is done then automatically proxy will be eliminated as even if the person or the party captures all the polling stations, the machines will register only the genuine votes so if proxy is eliminated then other malpractices will also go away with it, lastly but not the least it will become very simple for the duty officers and the administration to conduct election also as less paper works and other official formalities will be greatly summarised.
• Council/colony/Ward leaders should refrain from taking sides and working for their candidate on polling day by acting as if their presence is to ensure law & order.
• The only improvement or change required is to apply proper verification of voters, make it mandatory while voting the voter has to present an official identity document, which in turn should be recorded mandatorily and submitted by the polling officials a
• We need to change our ourselves, without a lie otherwise it will do the same as it is. No one will change, our Naga people used to promise and talk about fair election but it's just lips promises. When it comes to power they will do the same. In order to change whatever. Truth shall do all things.
• Plus, the Gaon buras or the village Council and office should not enter the PS, no matter what. No political party observer or political party members should enter into the P/S. The regulations have been made but it requires strict compliance.
• Who knows free and fair election never existed but just an illusion given to us by the Western.
• Colony youths , colony elders , chairman and the members, GBs should be locked up somewhere first to ensure free and safe election
• Public platforms should be made mandatory for all the wards.
• Digital voting should be implemented inorder to check proxy and also to avoid money distribution. Gathering of large group of people should also be strictly restricted so that the candidate need not have to spent a fortune in feeding the shameless public day and night
• Security should check voters id to stop Proxy voters.
• Polling officers, enumerators, colony leaders, voters should not sell themselves. Bogus/ghost voters should be deleted. Import of youths from outside the ward should be restricted.
• Voters ID card not voters slip..
• For opinion you need to pay, no money no free opinion. #Nomorefreebies#