Renponi Lotha: Our economy will never be ours until we Nagas have our participation in vendor business. With no good location left for us to do business in the markets of our own economy, where do we Nagas stand?
Just because half the population has income source from backdoor appointed Govt jobs and some from Taxation of this and that, some from projects that show many digit bills but show no quality workmanship etc it doesn't do justice to take the name of the few Naga Businessmen who are earning through their skill, passion and sweat and remain calm that we Nagas, have command in the Markets of Nagaland.
Do we need only Carnivals and fairs to earn and showcase our talents? Do we need only occasions to come out and avail the opportunities in our land?
C'mon for the Non Nagas they are having 365 days of carnival in our land. They are having 365 days of having stalls in the market. Do we need only a merry making season spending 1-3 thousands for 3-5 days for booking a stall?
We complain about the govt, yes! We have the right to complain but are we contributing anything apart from complaining? For the so many Unemployed youths, are you all waiting only for govt jobs?
Are you waiting only for big business of big brands to land so that you can start? I bless and pray that be it govt job or big brand ventures, may success be upon you all. But, please do not hesitate to take up small vendor business also in the meantime before achieving your bigger goals.
Because you see, I am not requesting just for yourself, for you to earn. I am requesting you all because the society needs your contribution. Our Markets needs your presence. When I say, ‘Non Nagas' have captured our economy, it is not a Racist remark as any Indian has the right to work anywhere in India. But, will it be wise when, if tomorrow your younger generation would want to open even a roadside paan shop but will not get a space even for that because all the shops are booked by non Locals.
New Market, Hazi Market and Hong Kong Market ....the big markets in the commercial hub of the state that shine brightly as the glittering markets - can we Nagas say we have any participation there apart from buying ? We have lost many good locations in many districts because of our elders' indifference to Entrepreneurship. I pray, if younger generation does not grab the few small spaces left by now then we will have to completely wash away our hands in dirty water and remain with a stinking hand forever.
Dear younger brothers and sisters, please do not hesitate or be lazy but please save our land and our future.
The latest Android phone which you bought from your parent's money and ask for recharge again from them, that amount of money or lesser than that would also suffice you to start roadside business.
It will be fun .You can learn and gain experience as well as earn and be proud of yourself. But above all, you will be saving Nagaland, you will be saving our market from the hands of the many vulture like people who are flooding in here to earn. Just like us, they also have a stomach to feed and survive hence; our land which is a land of opportunity attracts many people like crazy.
Just because we are not hungry today doesn't mean we will not starve tomorrow. Just because we do not need to work today, doesn't mean we will not need to work forever isn't it? May God bless anyone of you who may or is thinking of govt jobs, starting big brand business or even roadside vendor business.
Asakho Chachei: Our people venture into business to get rich overnight. This attitude is the problem. Overcharging from the existing rates or selling product at a higher price than the next non-local shop is the norm of the day. Besides, we tend to find the Naga shop-owner or the attendant too busy to even open their mouth and entertain the customers. Forget about throwing a sale pitch. Some Naga shopkeepers will directly quote the price (even without asking) to suggest that 'you cannot afford it' or 'don't waste my time by coming to my shop'. These are the reasons we can't help but forced to go to a non-local shop and helping their business even though we don't really want to do it.