Charlie Sheen – Flop in Detroit

Charlie Sheen kicked off his one man show tour tonight telling the audience he wanted them to enjoy ‘a night of winning.’ But by the end of Violent Torpedo of Truth Defeat is Not an Option he wasn’t winning, but bombing.
Angry fans booed and heckled the former Two and a Half Men star, demanding their money back, but the unapologetic actor was uninterested, telling one member of the baying crowd ‘I've already got your money, dude.’ He’s going to need it, since he was fired from his $2million an episode job on the CBS comedy. The 70-minute show hadn't even ended when the first reviews were in, and they were brutal. Twitter was awash with comments from fans at the show, with the hash-tag 'bombing' becoming one of the most tweeted.
The capacity crowd at the 5,100-seat Fox Theatre in Detroit rebelled before he left the stage, chanting ‘refund!’ and walking out in droves. Linda Fugate, 47, of the Detroit suburb of Lincoln Park, walked outside and up the block yelling, ‘I want my money back!’ She said she paid $150 for two seats. ‘I was hoping for something. I didn't think it would be this bad.’
Fans who gathered outside the theatre before the doors opened Saturday — some who had to fly in for the show — said they were hoping to see the increasingly eccentric actor deliver some of the colourful rants that have made him an internet star since his ugly falling out with CBS and the producers of Two and a Half Men. They got the ranting. It just wasn't funny.
Sheen had said rapper Snoop Dogg would perform at the show, but he didn't. Instead, the show ended with a video for a new Snoop Dogg song before the lights went on and most of the crowd left the theatre.

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