Choose Your Face..!

Some of the most beautiful women I've seen and some of the handsomest men I’ve met don't have fair skin and sharp features, do not possess great height and sensual bodies but as they walk and talk and stalk the earth their beauty is gazed upon with wonder and reverence!

How do they gain this beauty, without physical attributes contributing to their features?

There's this story of Abraham Lincoln: 

A trusted advisor of the President recommended a candidate for Lincoln's cabinet. Lincoln declined and when asked why, he said, 'I don't like the man's face.'

'But sir the poor man is not responsible for his face,' his advisor insisted.

'Every man is responsible for his face!' Lincoln replied, and the prospect was considered no more.

Doesn't that make you want to rush to the mirror? Is it a comfort to you that you are behind your face? 

Lincoln, of course, was referring to the man's expression and disposition which shaped his features: And I believe that we can make and shape our features here, much better than a surgeon's scalpel would be able to.

If our face conveys the thoughts and attitudes nurtured in our minds, then our face would reflect our thoughts and thus in a way we are responsible for our looks. Which makes us more responsible with how we 'face' each day.

One woman reported that she had just paid for some purchases when she heard the cashier say something. Not understanding, she asked her to repeat it. 'I said have a happy day,' the cashier snapped. 'Are you deaf?'

Just imagine! The words were beautiful, but the cashier's thoughts weren't! That's how most of us are! 

Earl Nightingale put it like this: 'Our attitude is something we should learn to control and we can control. We can establish our attitude each morning when we start our day. In fact, we do just that whether we realize it or not.'

And that's the point, isn't it? If I realize that I am already choosing my attitudes every day, I can make better choices. If I realize that with the change in attitudes I am choosing my face, I will automatically start working towards a better or different face.

Imagine all this, and I mean, our looks lie in our hands and not in that of a surgeon!

If I face this New Year with a little more generosity and love, I'll be all the more happier for it. And who knows? Maybe a modern-day Lincoln will say, “I like his face..!”.

Robert Clements is a newspaper columnist and author. He blogs at and can be reached at

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