Christian Education in the Home and Effective Parenting

Ms. Kakheli Inato Jimomi
Global Watch Prayer Ministry

Home is the first informal training institute of learning where it moulds, shapes and develops the basic characters of life such as obedience, honesty, affectionate love, understanding, unity, acceptance, etc., towards one another and God’s creations. Christian education includes both formal and informal education basing on the true discipline and teachings of Christ which is the perfect way and purpose of life designed by God. Christian education is therefore the need of the hour for every Christian home in order to heal the wounded and broken world. “Unless the Lord builds the house its builders labour in vain” (Psalm 127:1). We need the guidance, direction and support from God in building our home sweet home every day.

Christian home
A Christian home consists of a God-fearing father who is spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally mature and has self confidence to run his home affairs responsibly. It also consists of a mother who is virtuous and God-fearing, persevering, cheerful giver, forgiving, peacemaker, humble yet not weak, and the children, obedient, loving, honest, humble, understanding and productive. A Christian home in other words is a home where all the members share both happiness and sorrow without fear and worry. It is also a place where every family member receives words of encouragement, comfort, compassion, understanding and solution to their problems. God is the author of every home; hence He wants every Christian home to be established with Him fully submitting under His care and authority for our own safety and protection from all sources of evil influences.

Christian education is a continuous process through which people of all ages are learning, believing and responding to the teachings of the Bible for the development of the physical, mental, social, spiritual, moral and economic dimensions. Therefore, Christian education enables people to develop a healthy spiritual relationship with God and others in the society. It shapes one’s perspective, attitudes and motives, towards a peaceful and just existence in a world which is divided by so many evils .The right time to start Christian education is “right from the moment of conception in the womb and the right place to impart this is the home,” without which it turns out to be vulnerable, fragile and counter productive. Each parent should understand that they are the first teacher and the home is the first sacred school of learning where each child needs a fruitful time, proper guidance, care and protection. The home environment is the main source of development for the healthy growth of a child. Hence a great responsibility is laid upon the parents to shape and mould the character of their children.

The retrospective study of our traditional method of parenting reveals the abundance of valuable practices and traditions on effective parenting even without formal education and the knowledge of Christ. They were responsible to inculcating in the children good character and develop the responsibilities of a good citizen. The traditional education includes handicrafts, weaving, knitting, handling of daos and spears, hunting, self defence, customs and traditional practices, war dance, folk song, folklore, cooking, housekeeping, hospitality and many other responsibilities which stand as a living example to all the generations. They played an important role in moulding the personality of every individual. Today the traditional values and assets such as hospitality, dignity of labour, respect for elders, religious devotion and good family life which is equivalent to Christian education have been replaced by the new concept of easy life, easy money, laziness, robbery, appealing dresses, fashion, corruption, nepotism, isms, selfishness, hatred and bloodshed which is rapidly wounding, burning and destroying our society. Surprisingly many parents take pride in their children being unable to read, write and speak in their own dialect or language, unable to do domestic work, not knowing any traditional cultures and activities, and so on!!! Such kind of mentality and wrong education system in the home only promotes gradual loss of self identity, unproductive life, and promotes negative impact in the society rather than advancement and dignity of life.

Effective parenting develops from a good married life. A good marriage relationship takes time, it involves prayer, commitment, sacrifice, love, respect, understanding, etc. The outcome of sound and healthy relationship not only binds husband and wife stronger and closer each day but most importantly, it provides a happy, peaceful and secure home environment for the children. In contrast, a home of constant battles, favouritism, tensions and sparring damage the relationship between husband and wife, and the children from such environment are always defensive, withdrawn, lack in confidence and courage, often tormented by fear and guilt. If parents expect their children to become good citizens and to be godly, they should manifest in their lifestyle. Parents must live out the truth of honesty, love and respect in their relationships which I would say is a true Christian education.

Today with an immense increase in population, Christian couples should also realize the appropriate size and needs of their family according to their affordable means and ability to provide the needs of the children for the fulfilment of their desired level of achievement which will definitely yield a productive life and bring peace to the world. Reformation, thus, does not start from the highest body or organizations but it truly should start from the home itself through effective parenting and by allowing Christ to be the Head of every family or home.

“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6). Let every home grow from strength to strength responsibly towards effective parenting and start reformation in our own home without pointing fingers at others.

Let us allow CHRIST to be the head of our HOME, allow Him to be the MASTER of our family members, and allow Him to RULE our daily home affairs.

It is my earnest prayer that we can definitely change the world once I and my family is changed; surely there will be a NEW HOME, a RENEWED PERSON and a CHANGED SOCIETY filled with love, peace and unity.


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