Dear Readers, these are some suggestion on practical steps every citizen can take to make garbage disposal more organised and effective in your locality.

•    We must check on each other. Not simply throwing our personal waste but make sure that our next door did the same.

•    Impose heavy fines/penalty that's the only way to knock in some sense on the people.

•    Put Jesus pictures everywhere

•    guaranteed that a lot of ideas will come to mind but only a few "practical" ones will a few number of people really invest into it.

•    Nagaland government should implement schemes on plastic waste like J&K "Gold for Plastic" where one is rewarded with 10gram of gold coins for collecting 20quintals of plastic waste...if do so our state will also improve to some extent...there's no ordinary way to decrease disposal of plastic waste or garbage as people don't take things seriously unless compelled by some benefits in return...that's human nature.

•    Segregation at source, collection of segregated garbage and Garbage disposal plant and garbage yard to stack the collected segregated garbage and necessary processing to eliminate garbage.

•    Nagaland lacks in the habit of waste segregation. Even if not practiced by all, a majority of segregated organic waste can be used as compost to benefit our agrarian activities. Collecting such waste, especially from urban localities which have minimal use for it, has the potential to power a local fertilizer industry. Entrepreneurship in this area could perhaps be encouraged to lessen the load on public bodies and generate employment. As for plastics and other inorganic waste, landfills are not the solution. If a proper chain of logistics is established, such material can be transported to cities with recycling plants to break down the material. Financial profit exists at the end of this chain and with support from the state government, it should be feasible. Both solutions depend on segregation so incentives could be provided to encourage this habit. For instance, a quarterly index on ward or district performance could encourage friendly competition. Ultimately, this can only happen with direction from the higher-ups. The public are willing. They only require a capable leadership to initiate and coordinate their efforts. Dumper truck should be authorised and provided

•    Initially, start by educating ourselves and others about the importance of proper garbage disposal and its impact on the environment and public health. Encourage citizens to adopt a reduce, reuse and recycle approach. Implement a source separation system where citizens are encouraged to separate their waste into different categories such as recyclables, organic waste and non recyclables. Encourage citizens to actively participate by depositing their recyclables in designated bins. Spread information about what items are recyclable. Organize regular clean up drives in our own locality or join existing initiatives. Gather a group of volunteers to clean up public spaces or any areas where garbage accumulates. Collaborate with local businesses and organizations to establish waste management project. Report illegal dumping and foster a community participation. By taking these practical steps we can contribute to making our locality cleaner and more organized in terms of garbage disposal.

•    One of the things I observed in Kohima and Dimapur when comes to loitering our cities is that we need to organise awareness programmes in our own localities because in these cities I feel non locals from outside who are daily wage earners and labourers are the ones who need to be educated through written pamphlets either in Hindi or Arabic or Nagamese or their own dialects. I live nearby a stream in Kohima where I see these labourers would just through their waste in the stream itself since they don’t know the effects of their waste been thrown in the Nullahs, KMC service for that matter is doing an excellent job in collecting the wastes in every ward/colonies . It’s the public who is not even making use of it wisely. So I will suggest those people mentioned above should be given clear guidelines and impose fine if necessary as well

•    There are several practical steps that citizens can take to make garbage disposal more organized and effective in their own locality. Here are some suggestions:

1. Raise awareness: Start by educating yourself and others about the importance of proper garbage disposal and its impact on the environment. Share information through social media, community meeting

2. Reduce waste: Practice the "3 R's": Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. Aim to minimize your waste by avoiding single-use items, opting for reusable alternatives, and recycling materials whenever possible.

3. Segregate waste: Separate your waste into different categories such as organic, recyclable, and non-recyclable. Ensure that each type of waste goes into the appropriate bin or container. This makes it easier for waste collectors to manage and transport.

4. Composting: If possible, start composting organic waste like food scraps and garden trimmings. Composting not only reduces landfill waste but also produces nutrient-rich compost that can be used in gardens or community projects.

5. Encourage responsible consumption: Support local businesses that prioritize eco-friendly packaging and practices. By choosing products with less packaging or opting for bulk purchases, you can help reduce the amount of waste generated.

6. Participate in community clean-ups: Organize or join clean-up drives in your neighborhood or local parks. This can help raise awareness and make a visible impact in reducing litter.

7. Engage local authorities: Reach out to local government officials or waste management organizations to advocate for better waste management systems in your community. Voice your concerns, offer suggestions, and support initiatives that improve garbage disposal infrastructure.

8. Create community initiatives: Start or join community initiatives such as recycling programs, waste reduction campaigns, or neighborhood composting projects. Collaborate with like-minded individuals to work towards a cleaner and more organized locality.

9. Lead by example: Be a responsible citizen by always disposing of your waste properly. Make sure garbage bins are tightly sealed, and don't litter or dump waste in public areas.

10. Continuous education and collaboration: Stay updated on waste management practices and share your knowledge with others. Collaborate with local organizations, schools, or community groups to conduct workshops, seminars, or awareness campaigns on effective garbage disposal.

Remember, making a positive impact on garbage disposal and waste management starts with individual actions. By engaging in these practical steps, you can contribute to a cleaner and more organized locality.

•    Every business establishment, household, street vendors should have their own waste bin and dispose off to a proper common dust bin in the evening before leaving. This will help our city a better place to live in.

•    Start with segregating dry and wet waste. So simple yet a herculean task for so many.

•    Make a rule to segregate and dispose organic and inorganic waste separately in every household/commercial place. That way, some inorganic wastes can be segregated further to be recycled and the organic wastes can be used to produce manure in a dumping place. Every colony should have multiple community garbage collecting area/points for municipal trucks to come and collect.