Do you feel the Naga churches are concerned about the public?

Some of those who voted  YES had this to say:
•    I say the Naga churches are concerned about the public. This is reflected through their activities especially in the field of education. The greatest contribution of the Naga churches is in the area of education. The Naga churches are at the center of Naga life. Of course there will be much criticism against the Naga churches because people have much expectations from it. The churches are unable to meet all these expectations and so the church leaders much prioritize their goals. They should not only focus on big lofty things, but the Naga churches need to humble down and come down to the level of the public. They should focus in areas of hygiene, sanitation, networking and so on. By involving in ordinary works that concern the public, the churches will make a deeper impact on the people. There is much work to be done.
•    The Naga Churches are doing some substantial work in the mission fields and in the area of evangelism. This has been the strength of the Naga churches. But today, the people want the Naga Churches to do more than just evangelism. Times have changed, but the Naga churches have not yet changed with time. This is their greatest challenge. Still then, at the core, I feel they have deep concern for the public. Its just that they are unable to keep up with the changing times. This is their weakness. 
•    Yes. The Churches are concerned. Distracters of the Church is increasing. But I cannot see how our society can survive without the guidance of the church. 
•    Yes it is. Through Church public is progress. Let everyone go to Church every Sunday if one wants to grow.
•    Yes, the efforts of the Church in showing its concern to the public are quite evident. There is a genuine feeling of the Church for the people, it however needs strong and able leadership and the Church should be able to keep up with the modern times. The message of the Gospel is timeless, and so there is no fear of the Gospel loosing focus, it’s the Church that may lose its focus if it does not keep up.
Some of those who voted NO had this to say:
•    The Naga Churches are too far removed from the public. I dont know why this has occurred and there must be several reasons for this alienation. The holier than thou attitude of the Naga churches has obviously added to the gap. While Jesus lived and worked with the social outcast during his time such as lepers, prostitutes and so on, the church leaders of our times are living and working only with the rich and powerful people - who are the minority of our society. This attitude of the church is not being welcomed at all by the people. The church must work with the people if it has to have some moral say in todays situation.
•    No, instead of nurturing the all round wellbeing of its members, the church is busy competing with each other in building majestic structures and getting higher pay and benefits
•    No. Failure to implement Prohibition is a classic example. Just to do it if ou mean it!
•    Its not the Churches but the so called Dr. Rev. & what not titles, who are to be blamed for the sorry state of affairs. A visit to NPCC office in Kohima will show the true colours. High end Scorpios & boleros jostling and fighting for space. With them more interested in NPSC, RTI & not so successful peace talks, they have no time for sinner like me. Its prohibited to use the word "Prohibition". Even the tails of our brave politicians snoops underneath the legs like a frightened dog when they utter this scared word. But a visit to Jail colony (Jail Colony-Manned by police & daring devil, isn't that the right term of the veterans) in Kohima shows that words speaks louder than action. I also believe that sinners like me are concentrated only IN kohima and dimapur cos none of out theologians want goes to the interior parts. I believe a fraud pastor was arrested just a couple of days ago. Will u guys believe a me, a sinner, if i say that our brothers are heavily into money schemes.
•    concern my foot. i bet, not a single soul of our church members are even sure of having their souls saved? going by the rate of naga will become another state Govt n another revenue generating unit.
•    The Nagas are generally are more concerned about their stomach than their faith
•    A visit to NBCC office in Kohima will show the true colours of the so called DR-REV.-and what not titles. Rows of high end Scorpions, Boleros etc fighting for space especially during meetings. With our DR-Rev. more interested in occupying seats in NPSC, RTI etc, and leading the forefront in money schemes, most of them have no time for the public. A fine example is the recent arrest of a fraud pastor.
•    No, Naga churches records in annals of Naga history are disheartening. Naga churches are still like a few blind men judging an elephant. 
•    NO, I feel the Naga Churches have lately been very alienated from the people. The Church needs to go back to the very basis and purpose for which it exists. The Naga churches must speak the language of the common person. The Churches in the Naga situation is very important, and it is very ironic that the institutions of the church have not been doing enough to earn the respect and trust of the lay person.
•    The Naga churches are not even concerned about Christ, forget Naga people, they are bothered in dabbling in politics with all sides. Naga churches are perfect reflection of the hypocrisy that had made into the church over the years. This same hypocrisy, Martin Luther wanted to reform and the Baptist church in Nagaland had come a full circle in this regard, giving diktats, just as the Pope did during Luther’s time.
•    They are concerned with money, power, fame and does not really care for saving the souls of this world. Now a days one has to be more careful in dealing with church leaders than a common man. They duped innocent people, the misused foreign aid, in every church bodies there is politics, the present govt. had also purchase most of the church leaders.
•    Not for a long time. Its high time for the Church to realize that the Church is the people and the people is the Church. Somehow the leaders in the Church institutions have forgotten their most basic theological principle. It is high time for the Church to humble itself and win the confidence of the people through both words and actions.
•    The churches in Nagaland is richer than the state Govt. All this is due to the fact that ...donations n tithes are collected regularly. I cannot understand, where are all these money going, as we dont see any constructive developments in our society nor in our spiritual growth. All the churches want is, Money, money, money.
•    Funds is always what are after..religion in Nagaland has a other name.. GREED
•    No, they are only giving lip service. They are not seriously interested in the welfare of the public. Given an opportunity, they are the first one to run after the politicians, invite them to their respective churches, visit their houses for prayers, and get some financial benefits for this and that activity. Our churches nowadays are reduced to money making houses. Where there is no money they don't give a damn, even when a soul is being lost. Lots of respect is being given to the high and mighty, while a poor man's interest is being ignored. This very attitude needs to be changed at the earliest, if they truly care for the flocks as Our Saviour Jesus Christ did, instead of running after material riches.
•    The last decade were the tym of promises..What? 10000 missionaries? I doubt, Nagas are really in their right frame of mind. I wish somebody comes to Nagaland n teach us Christianity n its virtues, rather than we going to other places n teaching them Christianity. What a sham....
•    So many divisions among the churches. WHY?  Everybody wants to be BOSS..And when u r the BOSS, u can utilise the materialistic comforts all by urself, in the name of GOD!!Nagas.....arent we the best hypocrites in the world.
•    If at all, it were concerned about its members, we would have seen changes long tym back. But, our churches have become a way of living for some.
•    NOOOOO!!!Why do we need to sent out missionaries and spread the gospel, when we ourselves do not know the real meaning of Christianity. First of all, we must teach ourselves and only then, we can preach to others. Why worry for others souls, when we cannot even know the fate of our souls. All pastors, Reverends will not go to heaven.
•    What is the purpose of spending loads of money to save others souls? Are the souls of every Nagas saved? Do we need to spend tym n money for all these Missionary works. If we were to face the same situation like the Non Christians..i.e..Muslims coming to Nagaland to preach Islam. Will we Nagas welcome them with open arms. Ask yourself this question.
• They are only concerned to those who give the most. They regard them highly and make them chairmen of their churches, Deacons, Members of units in the decision making..etc,etc. This is done just to keep the flow of cash n donations.
•    So many divisions n parties within the churches. Even a single tribe cannot live under a single roof of church or Association. Western and eastern are some of the such groups. The western mocks the Eastern of their differences n vice-versa. Where are we heading to??? Straight To Hell
• Nagaland is the only place in the world to have so many churches for its population. Comparing to it populace, the ratio is very high. Maybe there are 10 to 12 thousand churches all over Nagaland. Just imagine, how many pastors, Reverends are just there to overlook our church activities. All they are interested is Wealth of world. Forget about its members getting their souls saved. If, they can collect as much as possible in month, they are the happiest. No matter, how much we give, the churches always goes to bankruptcy. Where are the money going then? YOU N I KNOWS.
•    You think, the churches are doing the works? No man. They are busy collecting. Do u think all the money goes to its activities?  Where can it possibly go? We see no changes nor developments in our church set ups. In fact, the churches are fooling around with the peoples weakness n fear of GOD!
•    No! The Churches have forgotten their priority. They are concerned with infrastructural development other than spiritual growth. Are they mindful of broken homes? Drug Abuse? Or simply publishing donors name and forgetting the lost souls? Time to fast and stop traveling abroad. 
•    No, the Church is made up of its congregation and so when we don’t live a Christian life and love our neighbors; how can we say the Church is concerned about the public. The most revered and respected reverends, pastors, deacons and those self declared Church leaders, who shout hoarse against prohibition, should rather divert their attention towards educating their congregation to be more humane towards their fellowmen. This will definitely improve our relationship towards one another. The Churches throughout Nagaland, particularly the Baptist is flawed with one upsmanship, bringing about tribalism and hatred even towards other religions and denominations. Its high time, the above revered people wake up and change this attitude and show some concern to our neighbors. It is not enough sending missionaries, donating to destitute, victims of this or that calamity, but educating ourself and our Church to respect other human beings too because together we are the public.

Some of those who voted MAYBE  had this to say:
•    The Church is there to serve the people. The very foundation and ethics of the Church is to walk with the people. So I should say that technically the Naga Churches are there to walk with the people. But it is also true that the Naga churches do not engage with all areas of the lives of the people. This is where the controversy lies. The general public opinion is that the Naga churches are involved only on the sunny side of life, while being very indifferent to the difficulties situation and circumstances of life. The approach of the Naga churches towards the public is not well balanced. It tilts in favor towards the rich and affluent. The Naga churches need some soul searching.
•    All the gimmicks of reconciliation by the churches is just a show off. When will Nagas learn to obey anybody's advise? Even if God himself comes down to earth and tell Naga people to stop all these atrocities, will we really listen. The church should infact concentrate on their activities n not try their hands in the internal problems of our political war.
•    Most of the lay man thinks that the Church is after nothing but funds. This is the general perception. This may not be entirely true. But funds is required for the churches to do work, but I wish there was more public transparency and accountability – through their works – than maybe the public will be wiling to give them the benefit of doubt.
•    In this dry, corrupted land the ‘flocks’ expect to find truth and justice atleast in the ‘spiritual meadows’ but most ‘shepherds’ are busy watering their own ‘grass.’
•    I’ve faith in Naga public they will forge ahead with their future with or without churches spontaneously along the ever changing world. No matter how significant or insignificant the Nagas maybe, we’re all part and parcel of this interdependent global village while holding on to our unique cultural identity, traditional practices, values etc. Naga populace mustn’t be made a scapegoat all the times for not being disciplined, adaptable and hard working but wayward, static, irresponsible, etc. One of the root causes of deficiency in our ailing society is devoid of exemplenary and visionary leadership qualities and positive role models in the life of Naga public. We can’t afford to remain idly by and watch those innovative and productive people with their brains teeming with brighter ideas contributing remarkably to their societies, countries, world and humanity and God is pleased with them as they help themselves and their fellow beings.