Gambling at Wokha Town

•-On August 3, 2011there was bad inclemency at Wokha Town. However, the writer had intention to visit around in the town. While going around, people were found gambling was found in several places. The writer got excited and started shouting and frightening the gamblers. “Your money un- necessarily wasted in gambling. Your purse totally empty, at your home, your wives/children are crying and going to bed without food. Your children are not allowed to sit in the class due to non payment school fees etc, etc,” and the writer dispersed the gambling. None of the gamblers remained there, all of them scattered away.
It may also be mentioned that police personnel’s wearing grey uniform (NP) were gambling. Is there hard and fast rule for police gambling? Instead of checking, being vigilant and arresting illegal activities, and those violating law, if police is found gambling, doesn’t it tarnish the reputation of police department.
Wokha Town is flooded with people gambling freely, due to leniency, slackness, neglect, and no restriction to such illegal activities by the controlling authorities. Gambling is one of the most dangerous games as quarrelling; killing etc. arises due to gambling. Therefore, controlling authorities should strictly ban, in order to maintain tranquility, peace and harmony in the society the state of Nagaland.
R. K. Lotha, Wokha, Nagaland

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