Those who answered YES had to say:
• Its sadly one of the major problem of us Nagas, we intend to take our domestic anger to the outside world. The most perfect example is” beating up of non locals for no reason.” maybe we get the same treatment when we travel to the other parts of the country....
• Yes, there is no doubt that Domestic Violence is an unspoken menace in Naga society. Nagas talk about egalitarianism, but it is bunch of bull crap, because Naga men don’t respect Naga women. All they do is talk proudly about their ancestral past and then drown a few drinks and reveal their physical strength by beating their wives. This issue has to be brought out to the open.
• The present trends may lead to more bloodshed that can put many lives in misery. As long as the state government is handled by the underground faction, there will be more bloodshed and untold miseries. And as long as the state government handles the underground faction there will be more of political assassination and poverty in the Naga society.
• The escort’s convoy of the Nagaland state chief minister and its cabinet are the clear indication that there is rampant domestic violence and no peace in Naga society. But the government claims to the world that there is peace in its administration. It even dares to go to the extent of proclaiming it in the book form. Is it not the unspoken menace in Naga society?
• There isn’t much public awareness on this issue and many silently bear it and live in hell. See the product of these families... What our society reflects on the broader spectrum is what goes on within the family. Hush, hush...don’t talk about it! Awareness please!!!
• It’s a Naga way of life!
• 1. Parents don’t have time for children; 2. Children don’t listen to parents; 3. Parents cannot control their children because its their own doings.
• Because due to social structure and lack of awareness that domestic violence is also one form of crime.
• Yes. But women are not willing to talk about
• Nothing is been done to protect and help the victims of domestic violence. Often the victims suffer alone
Those who answered NO had to say:
- Compared to other societies including the liberal Western societies, domestic violence is very low in Naga homes. Wives enjoy as much freedom as their spouses in most Naga homes and it’s been seen that whenever violence take place it’s usually sorted out with the help of relatives. So the notion that domestic violence in Naga society is wrong. A few stray incidents should not be assumed to represent the entire society.