A section of the congregation during the closing ceremony of AGBCN conference. (Inset) Speaker Devanand Kadariya delivering the concluding sermon.

AGBCN first biennial general conference and 17th annual gathering concludes
Chümoukedima, January 14 (MExN): The three-day first biennial general conference and 17th annual gathering of the Association of Gorkha Baptist Churches Nagaland (AGBCN) concluded on January 12 at The Refuge Retreat Centre, Murise Village, Chümoukedima district.
The event hosted by six affiliated churches of AGBCN – Nepali Baptist Church (NBC) Kohima, Gorkha Baptist Church (GBC) Peducha, NBC Sechu Zubza, NBC New Medziphema, NBC Medziphema and Gorkha Baptist Fellowship Piphema, which started on January 10 was held on the theme “Global vision for the Gospel” from Matthew 28:19.
Around 350 delegates from 39 Nepali/Gorkha affiliated churches from Nagaland state and associate member churches from Assam and Manipur states attended the conference.
The main speaker of the conference Devanand Kadariya, General Secretary of Nepal Baptist Church Council shared the gospel for three services – inaugural on the topic “Local church as the main subject of God’s mission” (1 Peter 2:9), Sunday devotional theme service and closing service on “Importance of modern technology in Evangelism” (1 Corinthians 9:22-23).
Rev Dr Pugohuto Sema, Executive Secretary of Western Sümi Baptist Akukuhou Kuqhakulu was the main speaker for Saturday evening service on the topic “Accomplishing mission in multicultural world” (Mathew 28: 16-20)
Neeraj Karki, Pastor NBC Meluri was the Bible study speaker on Saturday morning while the Cultural programme was held the same evening.
The AGBCN business session was held on the second day under the chairmanship of Dr Gopal Basnet, wherein Executive Secretary Rev Dr K Santabir Rai, Church & Mission Secretary Hari Magar, Women Secretary Beena Thapa, Youth Secretary Sishir Lama and Finance Secretary Shanti Pradhan presented the annual reports.
The house also unanimously approved the budget 2025-26 and also passed different agendas for the welfare of the affiliated churches, stated a press release issued by edia & Publicity Committee, AGBCN General Conference 2025.