ASHAs went door to door, stressing the necessity of breastfeeding to moms, in-laws, newlyweds, husbands, and anybody else who was concerned.
Mon, August 8 (MExN): Reinforcing the importance and benefits of breastfeeding for mother and the child, the District Health Society, Mon observed World Breastfeeding Week in all its blocks with the theme, “Closing the gap: breastfeeding support to all” from August 1 to 7.
Despite higher breastfeeding rates, the number of exclusive breastfeeding upto six months and breastfeeding within an hour after delivery remains quite low in the country. Following that, the district takes the same path, stated a press release issued by Leeyan Chemshy, Media Officer, Mon NHM.
According to reports from ASHAs, many communities continue to believe in misconceptions such as feeding neonate soups and solids in the fourth or fifth month and interval feeding of water within six months is safe for newborns. Some feed solids as soon as the baby reaches the third month as the mothers have to go to the field.
“It is in our instinct to take things lightly until we connect the little dots to something more serious. Similarly, exclusive breastfeeding for six months may appear simple, but if not followed, it might lead to future health challenges,” the Media Officer, Mon NHM stated.
Keeping in mind the situation in their individual communities, the ASHAs went door to door, stressing the necessity of breastfeeding to moms, in-laws, newlyweds, husbands, and anybody else who was concerned.
At the facilities, the nurses, the CHOs and the MOs also imparted knowledge through Focused Group Discussions, Interpersonal Communications and organising meetings with the newly born families.
On 5thAugust, a short programme was held at DH with the newborns, mothers and their families where Dr Chimang Paul, Pediatrician spoke on the benefits of six months exclusive breastfeeding and breastfeeding within one hour.
Dr Wungyong Konyak, DPO (RCH&UIP) also explained the Colostrum which is the first milk secreted by the mother for first 3days post child’s birth. Dr Wungyong handed over a gift hamper to the newborns which included baby soap, diapers and juice for the mothers.