MORUNG POLL: Political solution tops priority of most Nagas for 2020

MORUNG POLL: Political solution tops priority of most Nagas for 2020

MORUNG POLL: Political solution tops priority of most Nagas for 2020

Key Take Away: Many, however, feel that with responsible governance, all issues would fall in place 


Morung Express News
Dimapur | January 12 

Political solution figured in the top of the list for many Nagas for 2020, going by the responses to the Morung Poll carried out this week on “What should be the top most priority for Nagas in 2020 and why?”

This was followed by Good Roads, Wholistic Development and Responsible Governance, as classified under as per the responses.   

As many as 427 respondents(56% of the total response received)  felt that Naga solution ought to be the topmost priority for Nagas this year with expectation that this would finally usher in a peaceful environment, holistic development, good roads and good governance. Quite a number of respondents felt that political solution was the answer to rid of corruption in Naga society. 

“Without political solution there cannot be any long term development and peace. Political solution should be the priority,” a respondent said. 

“We need political solution in 2020. The unresolved Naga political issue has become an excuse for the inexcusable. Once there is a political solution we can start addressing the other issues that are plaguing the society,” another chipped in.

A respondent also remarked that where there is a political solution, draconian laws like AFSPA and Nagaland Police Regulation Act would be lifted. Through political solution there can be peaceful environment and disarmament of arms and this would ensure free and fair elections, the respondents said adding that a political solution means the corrupt system can be replaced and the rule of law can prevail without fear. 

“Political Solution is the only realistic option that is possible within 2020.With concerted effort, broad mindedness and a political will, the possibility of a political solution is most feasible when the GoI is honest and sincere,” another said. 

“Political Solution-To bring change from the prevailing rampant corruption, indirectly paganized culture, nepotism, power hunger, materialism and compromised lifestyle to a distinct nation, exhibiting Christ culture, fraternity, Nagas oneness and just society,” was what a respondent had to say. 


Good roads 
Next on the top most priority list is Good roads. This is the yearning of many for years after years- to have good roads in every corner of Nagaland and 2020 is no different.  

“Good Road...mother of all development and father of all necessity,” a respondent stated while another said the basic root for all round development comes with the good roads only.

“Who will give us solution when we can't even make our roads? There is no wholistic development without proper roads. First step to identify a good government is the condition of roads which are default duties of the government and should not be an election manifesto,” words from a respondent. 

“We have endured terrible roads for so long. Good roads will pave way for development of any kind.” Similarly, a respondent maintained that having good roads is the basic and foremost necessity for any society to move ahead.
On Wholistic Development, respondents rooted for all round development and upliftment and creation of equal opportunities for 2020. 


Responsible governance
Some of those who voted for Responsible Governance were certain that with responsible governance, all the other issues would be naturally resolved. 

“A responsible governance giving priority to health, education, employment and creating avenues for sustainable development which will be benefit us in the long run instead of playing political number by the politicians and stop claiming on Naga solution for development. The point is that whether Naga solution comes or no solution, we have to move ahead.”

A respondent contented that when responsible governance is truly practiced then there will be political solution, good roads, development and everything else will follow suit.

Responsible governance is the foundation and solution to all the above alternative good roads, political solutions, developments and many more, another added. 

Other priorities for 2020 as listed by respondents include stopping backdoor appointment, reconciliation among the Naga political groups and unity among the Nagas, practicing civic sense and investing on quality education. 


Read the poll results in details here: