Dimapur, August 14 (MExN): The NSCN (IM) on Friday said that to commemorate the declaration of Naga Independence, Rainbow flags were hoisted “all over Nagalim, including Eastern Nagalim in Myanmar” on August 14.
It said that August 14 was a reminiscence of the day when the spirit of self-determination and freedom sparked the declaration of Naga independence, and changed the course of Naga political journey.
For the Nagas, Rainbow flag is a God given political identity of the Naga people, the NSCN (IM) stated.
It termed it as a “Covenant between God and Naga people” and “therefore, unthinkable for the Nagas to sideline the Naga flag in the Naga solution that both the NSCN and Government of India is trying to find a way out.”
“For the Nagas there can be no solution that is honorable and acceptable without the Naga flag giving its due status,” it asserted.
Meanwhile, it added that the 74th anniversary of the declaration of Naga Independence Day was also celebrated in the United States of America (USA) in Virginia State by the members of the Global Naga Forum (GNF). It also acknowledged the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO) for expressing solidarity with the Naga people.