Dimapur, September 20 (MExN): The National People’s Party (NPP) Nagaland State supported the demand made by various organizations in Nagaland for the removal of the COVID-19 cess on fuel.
While supporting the move of the CNTC, CNSA, DNSU, DENSU and WCSU, the NPP reiterated its May 4 demand for abrogation of the said cess on fuel.
Terming the cess as an ‘arbitrary taxation’, the NPP said that it is “nothing short of a day-light robbery on the common people.”
“Instead of bringing about certain economic reforms and allaying the financial burden of the people, the government of the day has resorted to levying an inhuman and illogical cess on the prices of fuel which has doubled the burden of the common people,” the NPP said.
It pointed out that the additional cess has resulted in price rise, and alleged that the authorities are not monitoring the same.
Questioning the State government’s need for additional funds when the Central Government has already poured in huge amounts of money, the NPP also noted that “the H&FW department has already professed that it is adequately equipped with all infrastructures to meet the eventualities of the pandemic.”
It stated that the State Government and its leaders must seek the betterment of public life “instead of taking undue advantage out of the grim situation of the pandemic.”
Many issues raised by the NPP related either with corruption and graft or issues related to social vices have not received “any justifiable answers” till date, the NPP alleged.
It reminded the government that they have been elected to power through popular consensus based on the belief that they would bring about people-centric reforms and alleviate the lot of the common people.
As such, if the government “walks away from this truth and carries on tribalism and partisan politics, they will be doing so at their own peril and the day is not far when they will lose the popular support,” NPP warned.
Along with its support for the demand to roll back COVID cess on fuel, the NPP also extended appreciation to all the frontline workers including the health workers, police, civil administration, NGOs, churches, concerned individuals, etc. for their selfless dedication and help rendered during the COVID-19 pandemic.