NSCN-K questions ‘sectarian goals’

Dimapur, Jan 12 (MExN): The NSCN-K wants its rival, the NSCN-IM to ‘go silently’ settled with whatever India has to offer since it is confined only to their “sectarian goal”. However, on the other side, the NSCN-K stands for mandated representatives of the people, it asserts.  

“Why not IK go silently get settled with whatever GOI has to offer, since the issue IK is  pursuing is plainly factional and has nothing to do with Nagas at large. The declaration that IK recently made stating that representatives from each Naga tribe is not all required amply portrays it’s manifesto as to confinement of issue only within the boundary of IK’s sectarian goal” states NSCN-K ‘UT-1 Supervisor’ Akato Chophi in a note.  

However, since NSCN all along had been steadfastly struggling to defend Nagas’ sovereignty, shall require mandated representatives from every legitimate Naga tribe since Nagas are inherently tribal, it asserts. 

The NSCN-K also noted that NSCN-IM Chairman Isak Chishi Swu would comment on the NSCN (IM)-GOI process only after consultation with Nagas, itself reveals that the ‘last 30 years of his chairmanship and10 years of fruitless parleys with India, is yet to have consultation with the Nagas. Whereas, it appears that Muivah has already had consultation with the Nagas prior to Isak and is still immature and un-qualified to represent the Nagas since substantive issues are yet to be resolved, Chophi stated.  “Does it also mean that Isak Swu is only to append his signature only after Muivah finalizes the sell-out process without his (Isak) involvement in the dialogue? As per IK’s version the Chairman is to intervene only when required. Ff so, when and where is Isak as the head of the gang deemed fit to intervene when the so called peace process has been going on for the last 9-10 years” the NSCN-K stated. 

The NSCN-K also pointed out that the Naga movement transcends hierarchy, class or status and it is entirely a people’s movement with every Naga entitled to share his opinion. It stated that Nagas being excluded from the issue on ground of one’s age or background “is highly divisive and aristocratic in nature for which the Nagas opposes tooth and nail as in upholding of our democratic and egalitarian spirit of humanity”. 

The NSCN-K also resented Muivah’s “despotism” being compared to Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh’s “democratic” status. “The process of becoming Indian Prime Minister goes through various democratic process of election by every Indian electorate; such that an assertion, Manmohan Singh lead multi-races of India is justified democratically since he carries legitimate mandate of Indians through numerous stages of populace-centric elections” it stated.  Does Muivah command the same democratic mandate over the Nagas and where and when has he been endowed with the authority to negotiate on Nagas’ behalf, the NSCN-K questioned. 

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