Peace Channel organises dialogue  on local space conflict resolution

Participants during the dialogue organized by Peace Channel at Nagamese Baptist Church, Chümoukedima on August 5. (Photo Courtesy: Peace Channel) 

Participants during the dialogue organized by Peace Channel at Nagamese Baptist Church, Chümoukedima on August 5. (Photo Courtesy: Peace Channel) 

Dimapur, August 5 (MExN): Peace Channel organised a dialogue on ‘local space conflict resolution and peace building in communities’ at Nagamese Baptist Church (NBC), Chümoukedima on August 5. 

Speaking as resource person, Veyito Nyekha, Project Coordinator, Peace Channel asserted that living in peace and promoting peace are the individual’s responsibilities as a human entity. Therefore, one should try to attain peace in one self and in family and try to project a good example in the society.

‘The mentality of the Nagas are completely different from others as we are brought up in such an environment where talking about important issues and causes like personal relationships, sex education, menstruation etc is considered a taboo in family, which is also the cause of the lack of problem solving and coping skills among the younger generations,’ Nyekha observed. 

He expounded that “those small problems, if not solved, accumulated and lead to big issues with an example of an unsolved dispute between two families with regard to land issues or other family related issues.”

He said that starting from family one can practice peace by solving its own issues through discussion where there is no need for the police or law makers to intervene in your personal space. Since involving an external agency might lead to bigger issues. 

Caroline Leisan Caroline facilitated the dialogue and vote of thanks delivered by Ashela Teresa, Project Coordinator. Altogether, 26 women leaders and elders attended the programme.