Quiz #359

1. What was the employment rate of women in private organised sector during 2020-21 in Nagaland according to recent report of the Department of Economics & Statistics?
a. 18.23%

b. 35.02%

c. 23.68%

d. 55.24% 

2. 'SAATHI', which was recently launched by Wokha Administration, is a:
a. Mobile application

b. Interactive chatbot

c. Women’s helpline

d. YouTube channel 

3. How many polling stations are there in Nagaland as per a recent data by the Chief Election Officer?
a. 2315

b. 2415

c. 2515

d. 2615

4. The International Museum Day is celebrated each year on:
a. May 16

b. May 18

c. May 20

d. May 22 

5. How many medals Team Nagaland won at the 3rd National Arm-Wrestling Championships held in Bengaluru from May 18 to 21?
a. 10

b. 12

c. 14

d. 16

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Answers to Quiz #358: 1. D; 2. A; 3.D; 4. C;  5. A

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