1. What was the Monthly Per Capita Consumption Expenditure (MPCE) in rural Nagaland as per the Household Consumption Expenditure Survey (HCES) Factsheet 2023-24?

a. Rs 4,393         
b. Rs 5,155 
c. Rs 7,159         
d. Rs 8,022

2. Among the North-East States, which of the following had the highest rural and urban MPCE as per the HCES Factsheet 2023-24?

a. Arunachal Pradesh     
b. Meghalaya
c. Nagaland        
d. Sikkim

3. Which community celebrates the Aai-Sagi festival?

a. Garos            
b. Mech Kachari 
c. Kukis            
d. Mizos

4. What was the production of reelable cocoons in State in 2023-24 as per the Nagaland Statistical Handbook 2024?

a. 10.23 lakh       
b. 10.39 lakh
c. 10.40 lakh        
d. 12.45 lakh

5. Who is the Secretary of Nagaland Football Association?

a. Benei M Lamthiu    
b. Mughato Aye
c. Meyisanger Lemtur   
 d. Neibou Sekhose

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