Today, it is like a tradition in our state that many theologian owned /or are recruit as hostel warden. It is observe that many hostels are run for monetary profit motives. Don’t blindly admit your child on the ground that the hostel are opened/ or run by a theologian. Before admitting your child at a particular hostel, note that; the availability of clean water in all season, availability of alternative food/ curry, if your child doesn’t eat fish, beef or pork at the hostel, whether readmission fee are charge every year to the old hosteller(s) along with monthly mess fee or only monthly mess fee are charge to the old hosteller(s), availability of hot/warm water during winter season. Make sure you inquire the above mention information before admitting your beloved child to a hostel. In some hostel at Kohima, bad mess and unhygienic foods are serve at the hostel, besides no alternative curry are provided if a child doesn’t eat the food that was serve at the hostel. During dry season hostellers face water scarcity while at winter there is no provision of hot/warm water for sanitation, thus student(s) fails to keep themselves clean and in hygienic conditions. Readmission fee are charge annually and also charge more mess fee as compare to other hostels. Since poor villager parents hardly afford to admit their child at hostel, thus check where less mess fee is charge along with better food catering hostel. Many hosteller understand their family financial position, therefore stay at the same hostel too is not good, because they can’t afford to change hostel in the middle of the year, thus experience a hard time. At present in some hostels at Kohima, amounting to rupees ten thousand or twelve thousand are charge annually for admission along with monthly mess fee, but bad mess while in some hostels rupees seven thousand or eight thousand only are charge for hostel admission with no readmission for subsequent year and lesser monthly mess fee but gets good mess, sufficient water supply, etc. Accordingly, before admit your child; first inquire details about a hostel? And if found satisfactory go for that hostel. The best option is to ask the hostellers because the proprietor will always inform you that the hostel is one of the best. Student’s union needs to emphasis on this issue but unfortunately we don’t see much attention thus the proprietor(s) takes advantage. While many profit oriented person(s) are managing hostel(s), we need to be very informative and vigilant.
S. T. Yapang. Lkr
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