The choice and implications of living under truth or falsehood

Kaka D. Iralu

Truth and falsehood are not relative religious or philosophical theories. Truth and falsehood on the contrary, are absolute entities with one opposing the other. In social or legal applications, on the basis of the truth of a crime committed by someone, the guilty can be sentenced to life imprisonment or even death by hanging. Therefore, truth is not a relative theory but an absolute reality that has even the power of life and death in its embrace. Truth and falsehood also applies to every facet of human existence be it religious, political, legal, economic or historical. In the application of truth to the existence of the Nagas, that Nagas are a people and a nation is an undeniable biological, anthropological, political and historical truth. This is an inalienable truth that belongs to every Naga born of Naga blood. It is also a moral and political truth that every Naga has an obligation to defend. But the question is: Are we Nagas still living in fidelity to this truth or are we living under a false political identity and still claiming to be Nagas?

If we look into our history, we will discover that our forefathers were very clear with the truth of their political identity and were even ready to defend this truth with their lives. When they are asked by the British imperialist as to who was in charge of the land, they thrust their spears into the ground and replied: “We are in charge and the only King we recognize is this spear.” Looking still further into our History, we find that they fought intermittent wars with the Manipur Kingdom the Kachar Kingdom and the Tripuri Kingdom and also the great Ahom Kingdom right from the 6th century down to the end of the 19th century without surrendering one single Naga village to these neighbors of ours. Our forefathers continue to defy the mighty British imperial power for 115 years from 1832 to 1947. The British historians record this resistance as “Extraordinary obstinacy.” According to their records, these battles with our Naga forefathers outnumbered all of India’s North-West Frontier wars. (Encyclopedia Britannica, eleventh edition, vol 19, p.150) Though our forefathers were not educated, they knew the truth of their existence and defended that truth with their lives against overwhelming odds.

This spirit of residence and commitment to truth also spitted over to our present generation as many of our own grand fathers and fathers fought against India and Burma when they invaded our land from 1947 onwards. Up to 1980-, this concerted defense of our lands went on relentlessly for 33 years. But something tragic happened in 1980 when some of our own leaders, after clearly declaring the truth of our existence as a people, went to war with that very existence in the name of a political ideological revolution. In the mayhem that followed, many Naga parents lost their children and many children also become orphans. But the more damaging effect of this new development was general fear to openly declare one’s political affiliation and identity. In the fear psychosis that overtook our land and our struggle, with exception of a few brave ones, most of our National heroes went into silent political hibernation. Some even abandoned their own families and fled to foreign countries in search of security and safety. Others resigned from fidelity to the truth and started toying with the idea of a dual identity and citizenship- one where a Naga can be both a Naga as well as an Indian at one and the same time. Ever since this political ideological internal warfare erupted, Nagas have been left wondering whether their struggle is an invasion issue or an internal revolution issue. Naga soldiers have also been left wondering whether they are fighting for their country’s political independence or for the establishment of a political ideology in their already invaded lands.

But whatever the case or the circumstances may be, no Naga can ever hope to resign or run away from the inescapable truth of his political identity and its obligations thereof. Here, we must realize that truths whether spiritual truths or socio political truths, all emanate from the same God who is the ultimate truth. We also must remember that earthly truths are also as important as heavenly truths and that our obligation to both truths is equally binding on every individual who claims to be a Christian. This why the Bible states that only the truth will set us free (Jn 8:32) Now what will happen if we resign from the truth or run away from the truth. The answer is very simple. Our vacated positions will be occupied by liars and the father of all lies- the devil. See Jn 8:44. Sadly, most Nagas are hiding behind the walls of churches with the truth while others have fled the country and are crying for the truth from foreign shores and lands!

Now, with regards to the Naga struggle, while the ultimate goal is one where the truth has to be defended with sacrifices, we are instead resigning en masse from the truth and are also desperately trying to run away from the truth and its obligations. The present resounding question that is echoing across our mountains and valleys is : Where are our Naga Christian heroes who have defended the truth of our God given national identity with great sacrifices? Yes where are they today?

In conclusion, allow me to state that truth or falsehood also dictates on what we can do or cannot do. Now the word “dictates” is not a popular or comfortable word. However, the word “dictate” is intrinsically related and connected to the word truth and falsehood. For example, if in spite of all the overwhelming facts of the truth of my Naga identity, I will still falsely claim that I am an India, then my land also must belong to India and I also must live under Indian laws however heinous those laws may be. (Eg.AFSPA 1958)

Therefore the final choice before every Naga is one of whether he or she will choose to stand for the truth and live in freedom and liberty in a country they can call their own or to stand for falsehood and live as slaves and subjects of another country. The final and ultimate choice is one of whether we will choose to live under the dictates of truth or falsehood.

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