A performance from the 8th Cultural Day at Unity College.

DIMAPUR, DECEMBER 20 (MExN): Unity College observed its 8th Cultural Day on December 19 under the theme ‘Roots and Resilience’. The event aimed to celebrate and preserve the rich cultural heritage of the region while promoting appreciation for diverse traditions.
In his welcome address, Dr. Lichumo Enie, Principal of Unity College, highlighted the importance of cherishing one’s cultural roots and fostering respect for the diversity of cultures around us.
The day was marked by vibrant performances showcasing the rich cultural tapestry of the nation. Highlights included a Lotha folk song (Sükying Potsow), the Tangkhul folk tale The Khujao - The Three Stars, an Angami folk dance (Pheta), and a Long Drum presentation (Tongden). Other captivating performances featured the Zeliangrong folk drama The Story of Nsing, Assamese folk dance Seksiki Porua and a Bihu special, along with the Northeastern Harmony and Manipuri folk dance.
The event concluded with a vote of thanks from the Cultural Secretary of the Unity College Students’ Council (UCSC), followed by an exhibition by the Heritage Club. The celebrations culminated in a bonfire.