Weather based integrated agro advisory for the month of June 2020

Total monthly rainfall received in Dimapur district during May month was 134.2 mm which was 17% less than the normal (long term annual average). The number of rainy days was 9. South West Monsoon has set it over Kerala on 1st June 2020, coinciding with its normal date of onset over Kerala.


Soil Science - Dr Christy Sangma

•    During monsoon the crops grown on sloppy land should be covered with mulching, in order to reduce soil erosion or soil loss.

•    Mulching will also reduce the impact of raindrops on soil.

•    Drainage on flatbeds is very important to remove the excess water during rain, in order to prevent the crops from getting damage.

•    The nutrients added to the crops should also be in split doses in order to prevent from excess leaching and draining away of nutrients.


Genetics and Plant breeding – Dr Harendra Verma

•    Farmers are advised to start preparation of land for nursery raising of rice and deep plough fields to kill harmful insects. Incorporate FYM or compost in fields @ of 2 tonnes/ hectare to maintain soil fertility and productivity.

•    Seed treatment of rice with Bavistin 2g/kg of seed or mix Pseudomonas fluorescens and Trichoderma viride @ 50g/kg of seeds helps in protection against fungal infection.

•    Purchase quality seed from authentic source having seal and details of quality seed with a tag.

•    Farmers can use RCM-9 and Pusa Sughandha-5 improved rice varieties which are suitable to Nagaland

•    RCM-9, Pusa Sughandha rice variety and green gram pratap variety seeds are available at ICAR Nagaland Centre, Medziphema at reasonable rate.


Spices and Plantation and Medicinal and Aromatic plants- Dr Azeze Seyie 

1.    Naga Mircha: The seedlings may be transplanted during this month with adequate manure (500g FYM/plant, 250-300g vermicompost /poultry manure per plant) at a spacing of 90-100cm. Since it has a long growing season, it requires judicious use of manures, which may also be incorporated during 45-60 days after transplanting. Use of bio-fertilizers like Azotobacter and Azospirillium is also recommended as seedling treatment (by dissolving 40g in 2lt water) and seedling root dip in the slurry for 15 minutes before transplanting. For soil application Azospirillium 2kg/ha should be mixed with 20kg FYM or compost. Earthing up should be done 30 days after transplanting and mulching should be done to conserve moisture and nutrients as well as prevent weed growth in the fields. Phytosanitary and  prophylactic measures such as weed free plots, application of neem oil @5-8 ml/lt of water to avoid sap sucking insects and caterpillars, yellow sticky traps for pests like aphids, white flies, thrips etc may be done. For effective disease control, 10g of Trichoderma or Pseudomonas sp per litre of water should be used for spraying and use of Bordeaux mixture spray 1% and streptocycline may be done. In case of viral infected plants, uproot the plants and burn/bury the plants.  

2.    Black pepper: May be planted this season with adequate manures in standards (3 plants/standard) providing aeration and shade to the plant.

3.    Ginger and turmeric: Mulching may be done to the standing crop to conserve moisture as well as to reduce weed growth. Earthing up may be done for proper aeration and good growth of the rhizomes. Application of neem oil may be done as a prophylactic measure against various insect pests.

4.    Litchi: Harvesting may be ensured during early morning hours at proper maturity stage. Prune the trees immediately after harvesting and apply manures and fertilizers around the base of the crop. Grow seasonal crops/vegetables in inter spaces.

5.    Fruits like litchi, mango , banana etc can be grown in a pit size of about 30 x30x30 cm with adequate manures, ensuring shade to  the young plants with shade nets or banana pseudostem splits/ twigs around the plant to avoid scorching of young plants.


Animal Science- Dr Mahak Singh and Dr Talimoa

1. Poultry

•    Provide sufficient clean drinking water and cross ventilation.

•    Avoid overcrowding.

•    Observe for sudden change in colouration of droppings.

•    Deworming and vaccination follow as per schedule.

•    Provide multivitamin (stress vit, stress nil, recovit) and electrolytes in water during stressful days.

•    In case of desi birds, avoid letting out chicks with the hen on rainy days.

•    Turmeric may be lightly mixed in feed and given from time to time as immunity booster and anti microbial.

•    In deep litter system, rake the deep litter once a week. Sprinkle lime if the litter shows sign of fungal growth. A ceiling fan may be run to help in drying the deep litter.

•    The poultry house surrounding should be free from weed and regularly sprinkled with phenyl to discourage snakes and other predators. 


2. Piggery

•    Provide clean drinking water. Watering and feeding troughs must be kept clean and disinfect regularly with  potassium permanganate, sodium hypochlorite, phenyl, detergent solution, bleaching powder.

•    Keep the floor dry.

•    Deworm and vaccinate as per schedule.

•    Needle teeth cutting and iron feeding should be followed in piglets as per veterinarians advise.

•    Use fly repellants like d’Mag spray. Very light solution of insecticides or neem oil solutions may be sprayed topically to prevent maggot infestation in the pigs. Areas to check- external genitalia, toes and all areas with skin folds.

•    For African swine fever and other infectious viral diseases follow strict hygiene. Avoid unrestricted interaction between the animals and any external agent – viz lice, ticks, birds, insects, dogs, cats or humans.


Fishery- Jyotish Barman

•    Feeding should be continued @ 6 kg/day/ha.

•    Liming, manuring and fertilization should be continued as per the procedure mentioned for the month of May. Before liming, the pH of the water should be checked and the dosage of lime should be ascertained after consulting a fishery expert. Liming, fertilization and manuring should not be done on rainy days.

•    Other procedure as mentioned for the month of May to be followed.

•    Strengthen the outlet.

•    Maintain at least 1 metre (3 feet) distance between people during loading and unloading of fish.

•    Drivers also need to be aware of the need to ensure that all transport containers are kept clean and frequently disinfected.