Scripture Reference – John 12:34

In the Bible many names and titles are given to the Lord Jesus. The New Chain Reference Bible gives as many as 103 names and titles to the Lord. Besides, there are numerous names and titles of the Lord given in the scriptures. See how the patriarch Job speaks of Him in Job 19:25; Prophet Isaiah speaks of Him in Isaiah 9:6; how John the Baptist describes Him in John 1:29; apostle John speaks of Him in Revelation 5:5. All the names and titles of the Lord Jesus are highly significant, for they reveal the many sided aspects of our Lord’s glorious person and of his works on our behalf. Perhaps the most favourite name was the Son of Man. The Bible scholars have discovered that this title occurs 80 times in the four gospels. It reveals Him as the very God because this Son of Man did and does things that only God could and can do. The Lord Jesus Christ is the God-man-not the man who became God, but God who, in the mystery and miracle of the incarnation, became man. God the Father said, “This is my beloved Son…..” Mathew 3:17, 17:5 “Who is this Son of Man?” Who is He?

The nations of the world are refusing to recognize this Man and deliberately rejecting Him to be the Lord. As a result the nations are on fire. Sins, immoralities, passions of hate and lusts, corruption and vices, terrorisms, violence, bloodshed and killings are rampant. Those in authority are slack and indolent. Serious religious fallings are eroding into the Churches. The question is, ‘Is this Son of Man relevant in this generation?’ The supreme manifestation of God in Jesus Christ is the central faith of the Church. (2 Corinthians 5:19).

1. This Son of Man is the Son of God. The Lord of the Church. Matt.16:13-18. 

These verses tell us who Jesus Christ is. Peter made this confession, not as a result of his own thinking or out of his own mind, but as the Holy Spirit had revealed to him. Jesus Christ, the Son of Man, is the Son of the living God. Jesus acknowledged that fact, and He went on to say that it was to be upon Himself that His Church was to be founded; that the powers of the hell would be arraigned against the Church but they (powers of hell) would not prevail against the Church. 1 Corinthians 3:11.

The Church and the believers have tremendous encouragement here. We look around and see the Churches today, so impotent, so worldly, so full of failures, and we wonder what is going to happen! Let us remember and rejoice in the fact that the Son of Man, who is the eternal Son of God, is the builder of the Church, the Lord of the Church, and He has guaranteed the security of the Church.

2. He is the one who came to earth to set us free from sin. Mark 10:45.

The idea contained in the word “ransom” is that of redemption, and our Lord’s primary purpose in coming from Heaven to earth was to redeem us, the sinners. Galatians 4:5. He came to set us free from the slavery of sin. He came to die, to shed blood for our redemption- 1 Peter 1:18-19; Matt. 1:21; to set us free from the self-the dominance of sin and Satan-John 8:36.

3. He is the seeking saviour-Luke 19:10

The greatest objective of or Lord’s coming 2007 years ago was to seek for the sinners as we see Him doing the same today. What is He doing? The Lord Jesus, the Son of Man, the Son of God, is seeking to save the lost! We have a glorious illustration of this in Luke 15:3-24, and it is important to notice that it is the Lord who is seeking man, not man who is seeking the Lord. He takes the initiative-Luke 19:1-9. The Lord was seeking Zacchaeus. Jesus was on the level but Zacchaeus was on the tree. May be you are on the tree of your pride, self righteousness, or something that prevents you to meet Jesus on the level. Get down from whatever tree you are on and meet Jesus on the level- He is looking for you.

4. Jesus is the only one who is qualified to forgive sins: Mark 2:10

Four friends carried their friend who was, sick of palsy to Christ in Capernaum. They could not enter through the door because of the crowd. They let him down through the roof. Jesus spoke to the sick man-“your sins are forgiven.” The scribes thought in their minds, “Why does this man thus speak blasphemies? Who can forgive sins but God only?” The scribes (the Jews) did not recognize Jesus as the Son of God; this was the basic trouble for them. In order to prove them that He has the power to forgive the man’s sins, He performed a miracle in the sick man’s body. Jesus alone has the power to forgive sins. He alone has died for the sins of the world to make propitiation for our sins, therefore, He alone has the power to forgive us our sins.-1 John 2:2; Acts 13:38-39; 1 John 1:9.

5. Jesus is the exalted and glorified Lord. Acts 7:54-56

As Stephen was about to die, he looked up steadfastly into heaven and saw the glory of God and saw Jesus standing on the right hand of God. The, he said, “Behold I see heavens opened and the Son of Man standing on the right hand of God”-Isaiah 55, 56. “Who is this Son of Man?” Phi.2:5-11; Hebrew 1:1-3; 2:9. He is the Lord of glory, exalted and seated at the right hand of the majesty on high. Are we as the believers of the Lord Jesus identified with Him? How great is our Lord Jesus Christ. If we are His children, then we shall also be exalted and glorified as He is!

6. Jesus Christ is the one who will soon return in power and glory. Matt 24:27, 30, 37, 44.

In these verses, in fact, the 24th chapter of Mathew speaks of the Second Advent of the Lord Jesus. He is referred as the Son of Man. His own people and others of His time rejected Him and crucified Him and thought that it was the end of Him. But by the power of God, He was resurrected from the death and ascended into heaven. Surely, He will soon return in glory and power. The only question for us is to answer. Are we ready for His return?

7. He is the judge of all nations: John 5:25-27

If we read these verses in conjunction with Acts 17:31 and Hebrew 9:27, we find two judgments:

(a)    The judgment of the Great White Throne: It is referred to in Revelation 20:11, 12 and 15. Every unsaved person who have not believed in Jesus and accepted His as their Lord and Saviour during their life time will be judged here. Christians i.e. those who are saved will not be present because Jesus has already sealed this once and for all. John 5:24.

(b)    The judgment seat of Christ: This is referred to in 1 Corinthians 3:11-15 and 2 Corinthians 5:10. Every Christian will be present at the judgment seat of Christ. This is referred to in the verses mentioned above. The purpose is either to give rewards for the life one has lived on earth or to suffer loss for the same reason. The greatest question that must be settled right here and now is to know-“Who this Son of Man is?” and to accept the offer of salvation He gives to us and to observe His Commandments and follow His steps. He is the Christ, the Son of the living God-The Lord of the Church. He is the one who is qualified to forgive our sins. He is the exalted and glorified Lord. He is the one who is coming back to earth again, to whom God shall give the throne of David-Luke 1:32. He is the one to whom God has given all authority to be the judge of all mankind-“All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth,” Said Jesus. Mathew 28:18. Hallelujah!

R.C. Chiten Jamir

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