Yoga for healthy people

Glory to God in the highest for he has brought me into this beautiful world. I being born and brought up from a Baptist background, through the blessing of my grandfather and grandmother who accepted first Christian religion in the village of Kubza on 25-01-1914, plus the blessing of my parents, my father died while in the service of our Lord Jesus as a lay Evangelist.
I started doing yoga based exercises at the age of 25, now running 28 years practicing yoga. During this entire period, I’ve never been to hospital for any sickness nor spend even Rs. 500/- for my medical expenses. That is how God is helping me and saves my money, because “Health is Wealth”, by preventing your disease, you can postpone your funeral because God helps those who help themselves. It is Universal truth that “our life is in the hands of God”.


There is no cure, only “Prevention is the cure”
We are surrounding by full of awareness in this high-tech period, starting from kitchen electricity radiation to earth awareness, we do not eat what is needed by our systems and organs of our body.

1.    Good postures while sleeping and sitting prevent spinal problems, cervical problem, Overcome breathing difficulty, alleviates stress and contributes to general well-being while sitting ensure that your neck and spine are in straight line. Bend the hips (push in) and chest out sit up straight.
2.    Care for neck- use cotton below just enough to fill vacuum of your neck, between the head and the shoulder. Round shape Pillow is better or avoid below at all.
3.    Use Cotton Matrices.
4.    Filtration of water after boiling the water use white cotton cloth 7 to 8 times folded then filter the water in the filter vessel.
5.    Drink water in sitting position just the way you have tea.
6.    For men-while passing urine, pass in sitting position.
7.    Take food slowly in sitting position, lotus position is better. Chew food till your saliva comes out. Drink water after ½ an hour take food only ¾ keep space for water and air. For better result seat in vajrasan position for 10 to 15 mts, minimum 3 minutes at the beginning stage.
8.    While brushing teeth, save your E.N.T. (Ear, Nose and Throat), massage the gum sincerely using ayurvedic Divya Danti kant, paste or powder or pepsodent germ check +, use three fingers, leaving aside, thumb and little finger push till you touch at the base of your tongue, give little pressure 2-3 times and take out the toxins, better after drinking 1 (One) glass of water. (In place of tongue cleaner)
9.    While waking up from sleep, turn towards your left side and with the help of your right hand support raise up slowly.
10.    For high Blood Pressure- Pass urine just after you finish your food.
11.    One antibiotic kills 650 cells.
12.    Once you switch on your vehicle and go out of your home, it kills 700 cells.
13.    The blood circulates with the help of oxygen, and generates the cell through oxygen.

God greatest gift to us is our life. If we consider and value the gift of God, we must understand that healthy mind is healthy body. The second gift is our time 24 hours. Are we sensitive about Gods time? Can you give back to him 1 ½ hour min out of your 24 hours, so that you can serve better in your church, office, business, society, etc. if we calculate approximately the amount of expenditure involve for different specific disease in your body, the total amount comes out to Rs. 240,00,00,000 (Two Hundred Forty Crores) only.
Many people are resistant to the idea of exercise for a variety of reasons, this depends a lot upon your motivation “I can’t find the time”, “I am lazy”, “I am busy”, “I am too old now”, “I am always on my feet anyway”, I certainly don’t need to do anymore etc.
Lazy and busy is a kind of disease that will kill you silently.
Adjust your exercise as per your availability of time.
While in the shower or bath, you can do hands up, knuckles and first roll on neck roll on, make sure you are secure and won’t slip, raise your right knee up to your chin, by inhaling feel your leg muscle stretch then slowly release/exhaling do the same with your left knee. Then circle round with your left foot, do the same with your right foot also.
While standing in a queue/bus stand/ public place / flex and release the shoulder muscles of your left shoulder and then your right shoulder.
Hold on tightly your lower abdominal muscles of the buttock, no one will know what you are doing, do this several times.
Stretch and release the muscles of your left leg, do the same with your right leg, do this stretching and flexing  of different muscles whenever you are sitting and watching T.V. or any place where ever you think its fit for.
Every one, no matter what age, can be benefited from activity, the more you do the more you do the more you can do, and you don’t ever need to go out of the house to achieve fitness.

When we are fit, we manage our entire day to day task with enthusiasm and reduced stress. Being fit, help to prevent heart disease and osteoporosis, Control blood pressure and diabetes, develop body strength, alleviates arthritis, improve mobility, reduces breathlessness on exertion and keeps your weight in check. It also helps you to fight off depression and feeling of apathy, reduces the risk of stroke. Which could have you completely incapacitated and reduces general energy day stress, these are the physical and mental advantages of good general.
A number of different systems of Yoga are practiced in the western countries, so it is possible that the classes of different teacher may not be same.
Hata Yoga- is best known system in the western; it includes practicing various asanas, Mudras, Pranayam and difficult postures and making the body light.
Iyengar Yoga “Commonly practiced in Britain, is a form of hatha yoga.
In the west, the physical aspect of yoga is wildly practiced. The postures (asanas) forming the basic of this type of yoga allow the body to relax as well as increasing it flexibility and over all fitness. Each pose (asanas) has a particular purpose and they are often referred to by their Sanskrit names. For example, Tadasana (mountain pose) Halasana (plough) and Bhujangasana (Cobra position), each easily identified with the respective pose.

The system of yoga in Nagaland
There are about 35 (Thirty five) types of exercise and about 18 (eighteen) different therapies, those are combined in short formed, in 8 (Eight) package pranayam. (Breath in breath out control). It covers 80% of our disease, besides different postures (Asanas) for different kind of ailment cover 20%.
Thus it covers the entire system and organs of our body.
This is not for specific disease but the whole body specific disease here all the 22 kinds of blood bring in to normal count. Ten Lakhs ten thousand two hundred twenty blood vessels are activated, thus improve blood circulation as the key to good health is Good blood circulation”.

8 (Eight) Pranayam
1.    Bhastrika Pranayam- Lungs exercise, exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen takes place from the terminal lungs. An average man can hold upto about 6 liters ( 10 ½ pints) and a women about 4.5 liters ( 8 pints) of air. This pranayan covers around 10 kinds of disease.
2.    Kapalbhati Pranayam- This is a suction therapy it will save from any infection in case of injury and accident. It covers around 15 ailments.
3. Bahya Pranayam- 3 (Three banth)
(a) Control of three main doors i.e. the air from (1) Anus to (2) below navel then to (3) lower chest. It cures files problem.
(b) Agnisar- Same process, shaking and clearing of stomach.
4. Anulum- Vilon Pranayam- Nose exercise. It covers around 20 kinds of ailment.
5. Ujayay Pranayam- Throat exercise any problem connected with throat, glands, it clears the voice.
6. Udgit Pranayam- Hands up, knuckles, fists, frozen shoulder, stiffness of shoulder, neck roll on, eyes roll on and Arthritis.
7. Bhamri Pranayam – This is a vibration therapy through the sound M, it helps in insomnia problems, the soft tissue in the brain and facial nerves are rejuvenated also important for mobile users which prevent from headache and damage of brain, it helps in 8 (Eight) ways.
8.    A U M or O M- This is a sound therapy usually in all kinds of exercise there is conditioning exercise, warming up and cooling down exercise. In Pranayam  A U M is practiced the sound gives an effect in the spider veins and lymph vessels in the body. The sound of an aquarium and the sound of the moving airplane produce that sound. Also we find different kinds of gadgets used for beauty care and body care. Also it is inviting. Oh! Lord, Oh! God, Praise the Lord, we can refer God of Jehovah, Elshadai, God of Shalom, Son of David, Jesus. This Pranayam is not a must, this is optional for you as I have stated above in Sl. No. 1 and 3, if you are short of breath and your lungs is weak, you can’t make the sound.

Besides, acupressure points for self helps, Health awareness, and the habit of adopting the use of plants, herbs for medicinal purpose. Lastly, let us not consider the outlook but consider the inner self and embrace the good ones. Jesus said, love your neighbor as thyself, your neighbor may be a Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Buddhist etc. or the person sitting next to you in the bus, air, train is your neighbor. What Mahatma Gandhi has said, “I love Christian religion but I hate Christian”, and He says it because most of the Christian does not live like Christian what actually Bible says. The bible says whatever you do, do all for the glory of God, if you are deeply rooted in Bible we need not fear, puzzle, tremble and mislead, let us turn to bible and get the answer.
Yoga is not publishing but it’s a hidden, we need holistic way of healing the world. Come and learn yoga and help someone, who is in need of your help. Let us practice yoga in our Christian philosophy so that you become healthier.

Smti. Imtila Sangtam
Alternative Medicine
Yoga Therapy, Patanjali yog teacher
Tuensang Unit