Are Nagas donkeys?

Kahuto Chishi Sumi  

I ask this question because no other people in the world, apart from the people of Totalitarian States like North Korea and Religious Fundamentalist States, believe the lies handed down to them by those holding any sort of authority, like we Nagas do. But here we are in India, an apparently secular, democratic state, under a Liberal Constitution, behaving like automatons and donkeys; believing all the hogwash handed down to us by our Legislators.  

The recent “Colloquium on Road Connectivity” is a case in point. In life, you will notice that the bigger, more esoteric or fancier the word used to describe something, the less substance it has. It wasn’t a meeting or even a Seminar, it was a “COLLOQUIUM”. The word colloquium simply means a meeting, usually academic, where experts deliver lectures, papers etc on a certain topic. The subject being our non-existent roads, I wonder how many Civil Engineers addressed the meeting? Mr. G. Kaito Aye may have held the Roads and Bridges portfolio in the past, (and for all I know may still be holding the same, I’ve given up trying to keep track of which nincompoop holds which portfolio in our Idiotic Government), but that doesn’t make him an expert on Road Construction. Unless diversion of Funds meant to build roads into your own pockets qualifies you as an expert; in which case all our ministers are eminently qualified to hold their respective posts.  

And what was the need to hold the colloquium in the first place? All the Morons in Government need do is keep our existing roads in reasonably good condition; that’s all. We don’t need new or wider roads. And why were the Church Organisations called? Are we going to pray to God to descend from Heaven and repair our roads? And what was the role of the Facebook Blogs in all of this? Are we giving up on road connectivity and focusing on the Internet for all our future modes of communication? Are Nagas going to travel by Facebook? The stupidity of those we elect to power flabbergasts me. Are these idiots and thieves the best that our tribes can produce? And calling the Tribal Organisations was the Icing of Madness on the Cake of Insanity of the Colloquium. Are roads going to be repaired by the respective Naga Tribes in their respective jurisdictions?  

All this goes to show the stupidity of those we elect to power. Our roads are impassable and our bridges have collapsed. We get stuck in the mud in summer and blinded by dust in winter. And all along, these self-same Legislators brushed off our problems with contempt and arrogance. But now that an Interim Government under the much hyped “Framework Agreement” seems to be off the table, and that “Election, not Solution” is in the offing, our Legislators who made the latest grab for power; in a bid to create a shortcut to the seats of power in an interim government, under the “Pan-Naga Hoho”, realise that they must convince the People of Nagaland to vote them back to power once again. They have had 15 years to destroy our roads; now they want 5 more to complete the destruction of the few passable roads we have left, and to take Photo Ops on the last few crumbling bridges still standing. So, in the ultimate analysis, the colloquium was nothing more than an appeal to the Naga Tribes, represented by the Hohos, the Church, represented by the N.B.C.C. and the N.C.R.C. and the youth, in the form of the Administrators of some blogs on Facebook to vote for the Power-Mongers presently holding office.   But I ask all Nagas to consider my words. Apart from the five constituencies of Dimapur District (Dimapur 1,2,3 and Ghaspani I and 2), where candidates from different tribes may contest, the other 55 constituencies will see candidates from our respective tribes. Vote for the candidate that you feel will best serve the interests of your Tribe AND Nagaland. Our Tribal Interests are intertwined with the Interest of Nagaland as a whole; they are not contradictory to each other.  

That the Political Party you vote for does not matter has been amply demonstrated by the recent shenanigans of our Legislators. Mr. Rio destroyed the Congress (I) in the past and he’s done the same to the N.P.F. Party now. Now that his D.P.P. has been recognised by The Election Commission of India, be ready for more twists and turns. I’ve heard of rats deserting a sinking ship, but this is the first time that I’ve come across a rat having feet in multiple ships, ready to desert the first that appears to be sinking.  

We need not worry as to which party will come to power; for those elected will come to some sort of understanding or arrangement to form a Government. And so long as we elect those who give an ear to our problems; instead of the insufferably arrogant retards we so love to elect, everything should work out for good. Vote for the best that your Tribe can produce, for if you elect Jackasses to office, it means you are Donkeys; and Mules will blush for shame at your stubbornness in voting along the same rutted, foolish and corrupt lines.