ATMA Medziphema trains district farmers

Dimapur, November 18 (MExN): ATMA Dimapur Medziphema block conducted District Farmers Training on November 14 at KVK Training hall. Lireni Kikon, SMS (Plant Protection), KVK (ICAR) Jharnapani spoke on the topic “Integrated Pest Management in winter vegetables and pulses” and Ch Roben Singh, ACTO (Agronomy), KVK (ICAR), Jharnapani delivered training on the topic “Package & Practices in Rabi Oilseed Crops”. A brief address was delivered by V Kenny Rhetso, CTO (Home Science), KVK (ICAR) Jharnapani.  

A press release from ATMA Medziphema stated that a banana farm school was also inaugurated at New Chümoukedima Village with progressive farmer Keneizelie as the farm school teacher. The concept and role of a farm school teacher were highlighted by Medziphema BTM, Chubanaro Jamir.  

Keynote address was given by Z James Kikon, ACTO (Soil Science), KVK (ICAR) & BTT Convener. He called upon the farmers to work harder and encouraged them to share their knowledge to fellow farmers. James assured assistance in terms of trainings, demonstrations and capacity building programmes. Altogether 41 farmers attended the programme where seeds, fertilizers and financial assistance were provided.