Natural Cancer Cures Are Real

Modern-day science is undeniably humanistic. Many real scientists, these days, reject the theory of evolution as an imaginative fiction that ignores the huge body of evidence supporting Intelligent Design. But even many of these scientists who accept the existence of an Intelligent Designer, stop short of willingly worshipping Him as the Creator and sustainer of all life. Instead, they remain humanist in their outlook on life.
Here in Nagaland it is different. Naga are not ashamed to call our Creator our Lord and our God, even though we have never put our finger into the print of the nails, and thrust our hand into His side. When we accept the story of creation as fact and not fiction, there is little difficulty in accepting that the same benevolent God who created life in the first place, also created healing substances in the leaves of the trees, in the herb of the field, in the fruits of the vine, and in the minerals of earth.
What is most significant about Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski’s discovery of a cancer cure is that he would never have been allowed to patent it under a legal system that acknowledged the truth of creation. Why do I say that? Because contrary to Dr. Burzynski’s claim in the movie about him, he did not invent Antineoplastons. He merely discovered their existence in human blood and urine and gave them a fancy name that simply means they have the ability to fight against abnormal tumorous growth. The compounds already existed in healthy human bodies long before he stumbled across them because a wise and loving Creator made them part of the human design.
Antineoplastons are only one of many natural God-invented natural agents that actively work to prevent and cure cancer. Most of them are found in natural whole foods and some of the most powerful curative phytochemicals are found in fresh fruits and vegetables. Phyto means “plant” so phytochemical simply means a chemical that has been manufactured by a plant. Since anthro means human, we could call Antineoplastons natural “anthro-chemicals”—chemicals that are naturally manufactured in the bodies of humans, just as phytochemicals are naturally manufactured in plants. Antineoplastons do help prevent and cure cancer. But so do most phytochemicals.
So if you can cure cancer by administering Antineoplastons and nothing else, can you do the same with phytochemicals and cure cancer that way? Well, in many cases the answer is yes—if you know how to do it.
You see, even with Antineoplastons, you can use them in a way that will not cure the cancer at all. This is a trick that the National Cancer Institute tried to pull on Dr. Burzynski.  After a visit to his clinic and laboratory confirmed that Antineoplastons were really curing people of cancer, the National Cancer Institute eventually agreed to sponsor some trials of their own to try to replicate Dr. Burzynski’s success and prove that a cure had really been found. At least that is what they claimed they would do.
In actual fact, they told Dr. Burzynski that they would modify his treatment protocols. They would change the dosages in their trials of Antineoplastons. They would use real live people with real terminal cancer and give them dosages that were not big enough to cure them. In other words, they would be sentencing these people to death while they were taking a medicine that could have saved their lives if it were used in the right way.
Naturally, Dr. Burzynski strenuously objected, and after many letters back and forth, the Cancer Institute claimed they would follow the Doctor’s protocol that was curing people of their cancer. The study was unsuccessful and was terminated. There were unpleasant side effects and people were not getting cured. Dr. Burzynski knew something was seriously wrong.  After six months, he was finally able to force the National Cancer Institute to release the patient’s medical records that they were refusing to let him see. He soon realized what they had done.
They had gone ahead and changed the protocol behind his back and given dosages that were a fraction of what was needed to cure. Then they stopped the patient’s treatment because they were suffering massive fluid retention, which Dr. Burzynski had never seen happen before in twenty years of treating patients with Antineoplastons. It turned out that patients were receiving a lot of intravenous fluid but without Antineoplastons.   These serious violations of treatment protocol caused the clinical trial to fail.
It seems that the National Cancer Institute deliberately changed the treatment protocol so that they could publicly claim that Antineoplastons do not cure cancer. Why?  Was it because Antineoplastons really don’t cure cancer or because they are unsafe? Obviously not, or else there would not have been a government-sponsored effort to steal Dr. Burzynski’s patent. (See front page article.) The bottom line is that if the right people were not going to pocket the billions of dollars of profits from Antineoplastons, then they cared not whether people died of this feared disease because a real cure was kept from them.
An experienced medical researcher comes on-camera in the film Burzynski: The Movie, and states that the trickery used by the National cancer Institute to try to discredit Antineoplastons as a cancer cure is used routinely to discredit the use of other natural cancer cures that really do work when administered properly. I don’t know how long this type of scientific dishonesty has been practiced, but history is clear that the medical/pharmaceutical establishment has a long track record of ignoring and discrediting other natural cancer cures that can’t be patented. These cures can’t be patented because they are based on the intelligent use of freely available, God-created phytochemicals in natural foods, pure water, medically active oxygen, simple mineral supplements, and the elimination of the root causes of cancer that include dietary mistakes, and toxic lifestyle habits. No patent means no obscene profits and no getting a corner on the market by a single mega corporation.
To be interested in natural cancer cures that really work, a healing professional has to care more about people than he or she cares about money. Those kinds of healers do exist and many more would exist if they understood the true causes and nature of cancer. When you understand what cancer is and why it starts to overrun a body in the first place, you have a golden key that unlocks the power of the simple cures that work in the vast majority of all cancers. I’m talking about the possibility of approaching a cure rate of very near to 100% with most cancers, if patients cooperate.
That is my experience in my own ministry of healing that combines both faith and scientifically sound works to achieve total health and healing through the power of God and the power He put into plants and minerals and the intelligent use of water, among other things. Cancer holds no fear for me, and when cancer sufferers I’ve known have been willing to listen, I’ve so-far been able to bring them God’s own healing 100% of the time through simple, self-administered remedies and re-education.
Cancer cells exist in every healthy human body at all times. They are part of the natural scenery. There are specific reasons that those cancerous cells can no longer be held in check by the body’s fabulous immune system. When those reasons are fulfilled, the cancer gains the upper hand and the person becomes cancerous. When one does not understand the true nature and causes of cancer, this is a frightening thing. But this does not have to be.
Natural cancer cures are real. Antineoplastons are not a man-made drug or medicine. They are a natural substance designed by God that prevents and cures cancer when used correctly. Now you and I can’t get and use Antineoplastons because its not feasible for us to harvest them from healthy people, and Dr. Burzynski is the only one who has a lab that can synthesize them. He has a patent on them and I’m sure they are quite expensive even if you were able to import them from Texas.
Dr. Burzynski’s records indicate cure rates as low as 25%. Its when you compare that to a 9% cure rate for the same cancer using the standard chemotherapy, and radiation treatment that his treatment starts looking very good. In fact, one of the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation for cancer is actually other cancers, whereas Antineoplastons either work or they don’t. Being non-toxic, they have absolutely no side effects.
But there are other side-effect-free natural treatments that can also reverse these extremely difficult cancers that are often 100% fatal when treated conventionally. And the cost for them is a fraction of drug and radiation treatment. You can be cured of cancer without having to become a debt-slave! I’ll plan to share more on this subject next week.
Until then, be wise, be healthy and God bless!