P&AR should declare final marks

•-In the recently declared final results for the posts of LDA cum computer assistant, the P&AR department did not declare the marks scored by candidates and thereby raises questions as to how marks were tabulated for the final selection. One thing I would like to ask is whether if the marks obtained in the written test were tabulated along with marks scored in the viva-voce cum computer test. I ask this because when candidates selected in the written test were grouped up for the viva-voce cum computer test which has only 20 marks, some candidates in some groups have marks as high as 21 above the others. As such, if the marks of the two tests are tabulated together for the final result, the viva-voce cum computer test would be meaningless for a candidate who has already scored, in the written test, atleast 21 marks above the others in his group.  The viva voce cum computer test would also be meaningless for a candidate having marks more than 20 below anyone in his group.
So to say, a candidate with a score of 100 marks in the written test need not appear for viva voce and computer test if in his group there is another candidate who has 121 marks. Even if the former scores cent per cent (20 marks) in viva-voce cum computer test, his total marks will come to 120 only which is less than what the latter already has. So why call up the former for interview if he has no chance at all, or why call up the latter for interview if he can make it through even without facing interview or even if he scores zero in computer test? If the marks scored in the written test were considered for the final selection, then the written test itself is the final result for many groups rendering the viva-voice and computer test completely meaningless.
If the final selection is independent of the written tests, P&AR department should publicize the marks of every candidate. The computer test is also certainly not a viva voice test and hence the scorings should be indicated separately.

Vituolie Angami,