Repeal AFSPA: Angela Davis urges Indian Prez

MUMBAI, DECEMBER 17 (MExN): African-American feminist and human rights defender, Angela Davis today released an appeal to the President of India to repeal Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) which has been in force in most of the North East and Kashmir.   At an exclusive “meet-the-press” in Mumbai, Angela termed AFSPA an instrument of oppression on the people, in addition to being a symbol of state power and militarisation that one is increasingly witnessing in different parts of the world. “Feminist voices, analyses and solidarities are the only real challenge to such militarisation, and need to be strengthened,” she asserted.   Angela’s appeal is part of a campaign against AFSPA initiated by Indian feminists, which has been signed by more than 1500 women from all over the world, including Angela herself.   A press release informed that Angela particularly saluted the historic struggle of Irom Chanu Sharmila, whose 16 years long fast against AFSPA helped foreground the issue both nationally and internationally, saying “I am utterly inspired by Irom Sharmila’s strength and perseverance.”   Supporting and widening the campaign against AFSPA, eminent historian and feminist, Uma Chakravarti also said, “No one should be above the law, no acts of the state should be above judicial scrutiny and no woman in any part of the country should be denied the right to justice which the Constitution of India grants to her. That’s why we stand for the repeal of AFSPA and are taking the global women’s campaign to the President.”   Meanwhile, Vrinda Grover, human rights lawyer and feminist, asserted, “The prolonged application of AFSPA has not only institutionalized militarism and a climate of impunity but has also alienated the public and fuelled a cycle of violence, increasing insurgency rather than dampening it.”   Those who have endorsed the campaign include prominent international as well as Indian feminists, human rights activists, academicians, students, media persons, lawyers, development professionals and activists.   The campaign has urged the President of India to respond to the international call for justice, peace and accountability.