Rejoinder to the expulsion order from Namri Nchan which was published in some local English dailies
As per the letter dated 02/11/06, with reference no. POCAC/Gen-l/06, Namri Nchang, Convenor of Peren District Congress Action Committee, had issued an expulsion order of two Congress Party Members, from primary plus active membership, with effect from the date of issue, which was largely publicized by the Loca1 English dailies. For one, I congratulate Namri for at least getting his name on print in the local English dailies, and also he has done us a great favor by expelling us from the party, just because I refused to fulfill his whims, to overthrow the present Chairman of Jalukie Town Committee (Adhoc), and become the Chairman instead.
We thank Namri for bringing us out of this political dilemma of taking sides, and henceforth shouldering all the unwanted political, party, garbage.
Both of us hail from Jalukie Village, therefore we will always stand by any leader from our village or sub-division, for we have been elected by the people to represent them at all cost and sacrifice. Out of this drama, the joker is Namri himself, for as elected members how can he ask us to resign. Only the majority of our supporters, can ask us to do so if we do not live up to our responsibilities, but this is not the case.
One thing we dread is the fact that if Namri has become so power-hungry, even at this level (i.e. Convener, PCDAC), what would happen if he became the MLA from Tenning or Peren Constituency? But the positive reality is that God knows our strength and weaknesses, therefore he (Namri) should not even dream of contesting in the coming Assembly Elections. In conclusion, we ask Namri to let us know that he has expelled us from what Post? For being a member, active or primary, is not a post but a membership. Namri is acting like a referee in a football match by chasing people outside the field and not concentrating on the game that is taking place inside the field .We also re-affirm our whole hearted support for Mr. Gaubeu, present, Chairman JTC (Adhoc), and nobody nor will any action taken make us concede. Lastly, with people like Namri in the Congress, it will surely give other parties a massive boost. What should we call it? Jinxed!
Member, Jalukie Town Committee (Adhoc)
Member, Jalukie Town Committee (Adhoc)