A soldier kills with a bullet only a person, but a writer kills many with a pen

Even after nearly 40 years of the Shillong Accord, some Naga writers and journalists are writing and publishing their articles in Nagaland daily papers that the accord fragmented the solidarity of Naga people or as main factor for the division among the Naga brothers. What they have been telling and writing are not based on the truth but on false propaganda of factional and renegade leaders. The Naga National Council has time and again explained the Naga national stand but they never accept it, instead they termed it as blame game or claiming one’s own right. 

We said, the Naga nation does not fail (the NNC did not face its death), the sovereignty of Nagaland had never surrendered. But the renegade leaders have been saying that the sovereignty of Nagaland has surrendered, the NNC has faced death when the Accord was signed. What they meant by saying this is: “the Naga nation has failed”. This is totally wrong.  And also we said, it is not needed for the Nagas to form a socialist government because we have our own living system of democracy which handed down to us by our forefathers, we have our own Yehzabo (Constitution) and must follow accordingly. When we tell all these, we are not blaming the others or playing a blame game, but urging them to follow Nagaland Yahzabo and accept the truth. Instead of accepting the truth they tell lies, killed us and went on astray from the path of Naga nation is their own fault and no one is to be blamed.

A foreigner who knows only false propaganda of NSCN asked me, how can you say the NNC did not surrender, when it was clearly written in the accord to accept Indian Constitution? I told him, what has written in the paper is not important, but was it ratified by the FGN and GoI is important. If the NNC has surrendered as renegade leaders said, Muivah, Isak, Phizo and all Nagas might have surrendered, and no more Naga nation. Then he said, you are right, because in those days there was only NNC existed as Naga national body. 

The fact known by all Nagas is, the Naga National Government (FGN) and Indian Government had never held talks on the basis of the Accord in the past 38 years and will never be, because the Accord became a death paper and has gone into dustbin of history since 1976 as the both Governments did not ratify it. But knowingly all these facts, some of Naga writers and journalists are writing up to date is; the accord has fragmented the solidarity of Naga nation and resulted the birth of NSCN in 1980 (appeared in Nagaland Page on 18th April 2013). Such wrong statements have been added more fuel into fratricidal killings among the Nagas in the past years. Except the NNC/FGN leaders and Eno Kaka, no one writes the truth that the Accord was a death paper and formation of the NSCN was wrong. A soldier kills with a bullet only a person at a time, but a writer can kill with his pen many people. So, in the teaching of journalism, most importantly they teach; no one should give the report or write in the papers which might be added more fuel into the burning fire.

NNC Member


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