
  • Radiation leaking from Japan’s quake-hit nuclear
    Displaced vehicles are seen at Sendai Port in Sendai, northeastern Japan on Saturday, March 12 following Friday’s 8.9-magnitude quake and the tsunami it spawned hit the country’s northeastern coast.
  • Friend the pope? John Paul II gets Facebook page
    VATICAN CITY, March 12 (AP): The Vatican will unveil the latest installment in its social media transformation next week — a Facebook page dedicated to the upcoming beatification of Pope John Paul II, off
  • Libyan rebels lose oil port, but vow to regroup
    AJDABIYA, Libya, March 12 (AP): Moammar Gadhafi's regime drove out pockets of rebel fighters who were keeping a tenuous hold around oil facilities in a key port city, showing growing strength Saturday after day
  • Thailand’s “red shirts” mark anniversary of chaotic protest
    BANGKOK, March 12 (Reuters): At least 20,000 "red shirt" protesters massed in Bangkok on Saturday to mark the anniversary of a 10-week rally that plunged Thailand into prolonged violence and political
  • ‘Karzai relative killed by coalition forces’
    KANDAHAR, March 11 (AFP): A relative of Afghan President Hamid Karzai has been killed by international forces, Karzai's brother and officials said on Thursday. The president's brother, Ahmad Wali Karzai, told A
  • Secondhand smoke linked to diabetes
    NEW YORK, March 11 (Reuters Health): Cigarette smoke is tied to a higher risk of type 2 diabetes, both for smokers and the people around them, a new study shows. And the more secondhand smoke people are exposed
  • Huge tsunami kills hundreds in Japan
    Earthquake-triggered tsumanis sweep shores along Iwanuma in northern Japan on Friday, March 11. The magnitude 8.9 earthquake slammed Japan’s eastern coast on Friday, unleashing a 13-foot (4-meter) tsunami
  • Russia, China not biggest adversaries in world: US
    Washington, March 11 (PTI): The Obama administration dismissed the notion that Russia and China pose a major challenge to the United States."Clearly China and Russia do not represent our biggest adversarie
  • Libyan rebels on the run, West divided
    AJDABIYA, Libya, March 11 (AFP): Libyan strongman Moamer Kadhafi's forces were in control of the oil town of Ras Lanuf Friday, as rebels on the run appealed for arms and divided Western powers mulled military i
  • Japan FM ‘to resign’ over Korean’s gift
    TOKYO, March 6 (AFP): Japan's centre-left government suffered a blow Sunday when its high-profile foreign minister reportedly said he would step down over a donations scandal that drew the ire of the conservati
  • New Zealand quake to cost up to $11 billion
    WELLINGTON, March 6 (Reuters): The earthquake which shattered the New Zealand city of Christchurch on February 22 would cost the country up to NZ$15 billion ($11 billion) and will also wipe 1.5 percent off GDP
  • Gaddafi launches counter-offensive on Libya rebels
    TRIPOLI, March 6 (Reuters): Libyan troops loyal to Muammar Gaddafi launched counter-strikes on Sunday to try to take back strategic towns from rebel forces, while intense automatic gunfire reverberated around t
  • Hundreds protest civilian deaths in Afghan capital
    KABUL, March 6 (Reuters): Hundreds of people chanting "Death to America" protested in Kabul on Sunday against a spate of civilian casualties caused by international forces, a sign of the simmering ant
  • Moammar Gadhafi forces overcome rebel defenses
    A Libyan man inspects the site of a massive explosion that occurred during the night in Benghazi, Libya on Saturday, March 5. Hospital officials say an explosion at an ammunition depot in Libya’s rebel st
  • Jammed pistol kept toll down in Frankfurt attack
    KARLSRUHE (GERMANY), March 5 (AP): The pistol used by the suspect in the slaying of two US airman at the Frankfurt airport malfunctioned during the attack, preventing even greater loss of life, a German investi
  • Libya rebels advance, vow to topple Gaddafi
    Libyan gunmen from the forces against Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi fire in the air during a mass funeral for rebel gunmen killed in fighting  in Ajdabiya, eastern Libya on Thursday, March 3. (AP Photo)
  • Austria detains ex-Bosnian general on Serb warrant
    VIENNA, March 4 (AP): A Serbian colonel who defected to Bosnia's army at the start of the conflict between the two sides has been detained on a Serbian warrant and is awaiting a hearing on whether he should be
  • Hundreds attend Pakistani minister’s funeral
    KHUSHPUR, March 4 (AFP): Hundreds of chanting Christians bearing black flags gathered in a dusty village in central Pakistan on Friday for the burial of their figurehead, shot dead by suspected Islamic extremis
  • US Justice Dept targets Bobby Jindal
    Washington, March 4 (PTI): The US Department of Justice has targeted Indian origin Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal as part of a investigation to find out whether the American state is complying with federal vot
  • Mom’s smoking ups risk of heart defects in baby
    NEW YORK, March 4 (Reuters Health):  Mothers who smoke during the first trimester of pregnancy are more likely to give birth to babies with some of the most common types of birth defects, a new study finds
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