DIMAPUR, AUGUST 11 (MExN): The entire Changki Village Council (CVC), including all the GBs have tendered their resignation and have decided to run the village administration in accordance to its own customary law until all the orders given by the present Deputy Commissioner (DC) Mokokchung are rectified and reversed. The GBs numbering twelve led by Chairman of Changki Village Council Tajenyuba have in a signed statement issued to the State Chief Minister informed of their decision to resign as members of the Village Council and pointed out that the present DC of Mokokchung by his action had clearly showed that he was blindly supporting “the habitual customary law breakers as against the decisions and interests of the entire village community”.
It may be mentioned that the entire controversy surrounding Changki village erupted after complaints were received from the Enrem Changki clan of Changki village who had alleged that the Changki Ayim Asem Senso Mungdang had taken a decision to expel the members the Enrem Changki Clan from the citizenship of Changki village on the plea that they had not paid the annual membership fee. The decision also barred the Enrem Changki clan, from partaking in various social and economic activities within the jurisdiction of the village.
The representation to the Chief Minister by the Changki Village Council members however clarified that the Emremchangki clan had been defying the entire village community by not paying the village citizenship subscriptions for the last five years from 2002 to 2006. The CVC also alleged that the above clan had also attempted to usurp the traditional name of another entirely different clan and termed this as a serious attempt to destroy Changki customary procedures and usages handed down from generations.
The CVC stated that it had no choice but to expel this clan from the village citizenship after giving enough opportunities and showing great patience for the last five years. It was also pointed out that as non-citizens, they could not enjoy the rights and privileges that were available to the village citizens.
The representation to the CM also contained several points of criticism against the DC Mokokchung. It was stated that the DC had reinstated as GB, Imdajenba of Emremchangki clan even though he had been removed by the village community from the post of GB as he had been expelled from the village citizenship.
“Most surprisingly and in complete disregard to the customary practice and procedure prevalent in the village, with statutory protection, the present DC Mokokchung reinstated this delinquent and non-citizen of Changki as GB without bothering to consider or appreciate the great damage he was causing to the rule of customary law in the village”, the CVC stated.
It was also alleged that on July 31, 2006, the DC summarily dismissed the GB Mr Medangkaba without any rhyme or reason, merely because the said GB tried to explain to the DC the happenings at Changki village. It was also mentioned that the reasons for dismissal of the GB by the DC was because the former had not implemented the DC’s order in violation of oath taken by the GB. The CVC however added that no oath of office is ever administered to any GB in Nagaland.
The CVC also took offence on the dismissal order of the DC wherein, it was alleged that the GBs name was mentioned as Medemkaba, who had also been a GB of the village but had since passed away. “The DC’s order dismissing a dead man from the post of GB has deeply shocked and hurt the sentiments of the bereaved family members”, the CVC stated.
The representation to the CM stated that the DC as the highest government authority in the district was actively supporting and helping to destroy the time-honored, well established customary laws, practices and their usages at Changki village, by giving arbitrary and biased orders to undo actions taken by the village community in accordance with their own customary laws and procedures.
The CVC alleged that the DC had been issuing his orders either without proper application of mind, or on the advice and instructions of some influential members of the Emremchangki clan.
The representation also cautioned that any untoward development at Changki village in connection with the present issue, the DC should be held personally responsible for his complete failure to handle the situation properly.