Atsung Imchen
Apong – A businessman has no connection with the Govt. related activities. He earns his livelihood through his business; for many years he does not pay heed to the problems that other people are facing. He goes on to say “Ke kuribo na” when people are protesting against Government's corruption, in this case corruption under Medical Department.
Days turns to years Apong goes on to marry a beautiful girl, they are a happy couple, Apong’s wife is 9 months pregnant. On the fateful day of the delivery they rush to the hospital. The Doctor is not on time because he has his own private run hospital to take care of. The nurse fumbles and not sure of what to do- She was apparently appointed through backdoor.
After delivering the baby due to improper care and unable to notice the red flags, his wife breathes her last on the delivery table.
If only Apong had supported those protests against corruption, if only he had raised his voice there would have been no backdoor appointments, the Doctor might be on time and his wife might be still alive, now he is a single dad.
Theja – A freelance photographer leads a busy life and is well to do because his creativity is sought by many. He listens and watches as his friends are protesting against corruption in Medical equipment’s related issue which should have been replaced. Theja ignores them since it’s not a problem that is affecting him and carries on with his work and minding his own business.
Theja’s mom for the past 4 years has been visiting the Govt. Hospital due to some stomach issues. The test taken shows nothing, sometimes shows blank. Sensing something definitely is wrong, Theja takes his mom to Guwahati. There they detect that his mom has Stomach Cancer-Lymphoma stage 4.
If only Theja had taken his time to support and help his friends who were fighting against corruption, maybe the Medical equipment’s would have been replaced, maybe the funds meant for those purpose would have been utilized efficiently and maybe his mom’s sickness could have been detected earlier.
Bovili – She always had a knack for cooking and always wanted to open a restaurant. As years went by she got the opportunity to open her own restaurant and married to her sweetheart who was working in the Department of Power. They were a perfect match and were made for each other.
She would always read news about corruption in the state at some point she would get mad and irritated of just hearing people talk about corruption even when she has never supported or went to a rally against corruption.
It was early morning. Her husband had to rush for an emergency. One of the transformers was malfunctioning. Late in the afternoon she got a call that her husband was electrocuted while working on the transformer. He had no safety gears, the department never made any safety gears available for their employees even though there was provision for it.
If only she had raised her voice against the wrong, now she is a widow without any kids.
Athong – An enthusiast entrepreneur, busy with his innovative mind and dreaming on the possibilities that lie ahead. Never had the time to actually understand the problems that surround him and the people because he was really busy for those problems that do not affect him. He would look from a distance or read online people protesting against corruption but never supported physically or morally.
He and his brother were like brothers in arms; they would talk about what the future holds for them and together they planned on creating a multibillion dollar empire.
One evening his brother while returning home from school, the retaining wall in his colony towards his house that was not repaired or maintained for so many years by the concerned department gave way. It took the colony people the entire evening till early morning for them to dig out his brother’s body. Athong does not dream the same anymore. If only he had raised his voice.
The list can go on but the Moral of the story is:
I have met people who are least concerned about the problems in our land. I heard people say “NOT MY PROBLEM” never knowing that all of those problems originate from one single source. If you think that this problem of corruption not just in terms of money but in terms of electing incompetent people over and over again is not going to affect you then one day this “NOT MY PROBLEM” will cost you dearly, not just you but all of us. When you’ve the opportunity to stand up with those who are fighting for a better tomorrow, do so. Don’t just sit back and watch and read the news. What we need now is people to speak out; our situation demands us to act rather than just being observers.
You may be a businessman, you may be an entrepreneur, you may be rich or poor, you may be a Govt employee, you maybe anyone out there but the problem in our land is a problem for all of us not just for a section of people. Don’t be Apong, Theja, Bovili and Athong.
The articles in this column are compiled by The Naga Blog administrators.