Clarification on ‘Deplorable Phek-Chozuba road’

DIMAPUR, APRIL 4 (MExN): The Equipoise Supportive Coterie, Thuvopisu has clarified on the article appearing in local dailies on March 19, 2011 under the caption “Deplorable Phek-Chozuba road”.
The press note stated that the clarification was being issued “for the benefit of Phek district in general and Thuvopisu, Runguzu and Surhoba villages in particular”. The press note was issued by the Convenor and Secretary of the Equipoise Supportive Coterie (ESC), Thuvopisu.
The clarification note has also expressed “surprise and shock” to hear the name of the “sole proprietor of KK Chire & Sons and also contractor of the Phek-Chozuba road”. Questioning that if the person concerned was indeed the contractor of this project then why he had not visited the project/works even once since the order was issued in December 2007 and how he could claim that the work was nearing completion without knowing the works. The press clarification stated that as per evidence they had the “works was still 1/3 in progress”.  
The press note has therefore appealed to the citizens that if the work was nearing completion then “let us all stand for justice and come out with various views and opinions to uplift the people of Phek district”. The press note also made a sincere request to the contractor to “execute the work in progress for our better tomorrow”.

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