Clarification to Heraka Pailei Baudi

In response to the article of Heraka Pailei Baudi appealed to Chief Minister Nagaland which appeared in some local dailies on 6th and 7th Oct. ‘05. We the Women Welfare Society Jalukie Town would like to clarify the fact.

It is beyond our imagination that the so called Miss Nambang, President, and Miss Talamsile Gen. Secy. Heraka Pailei Baudi for appealing to the CM Nagaland with fault allegation.

The WWSJT and Heraka Council Jalukie Town had a meeting in the residence of Dising Zeliang Councilor Jalukie Town on 5th Oct. ‘05 at 5:00 PM and had mutual understanding and consideration among us. We never forced anyone to open their temple or snatched away any innocent Heraka’s dikchis rather we left some dikchis for their consumption while checking, except the sellers’ dikchis or imposed any fine from anybody. All the seized dikchis were under the custody of excise and Administration Offices.

If the President and Secretary want to know the real fact of the activities of the society they should consult the Heraka Council jalukie Town. Without knowing the real fact of our Kitchen (Jalukie Town) problem, your Heraka Association (N) is throwing rubbies in our Community. We all know the democratic rules. We remind again not to repeat such article which blame and condemn us.

The Women Welfare Society Jalukie Town is comprised of all religions such as Hindu, Muslim, Christian, HEraka and Paupai Reunet. This society is not only of Christians.

Adai, President
Atwa, Secretary