‘Continue to believe in collective dream of Zeliangrong Homeland’: ZUF Chairman

Dimapur, February 28 (MExN): On the occasion of the 14th Raising Day of Zeliangrong United Front (ZUF), S Kamson, Chairman, ZUF has appealed to all the ‘Zeliangrong country men and women to continue to believe in the collective dream of Zeliangrong Homeland.’
On this blessed and auspicious day 13 years ago, Zeliangrong people across Assam, Manipur and Nagaland were jubilant believing that a new day has dawned upon the Zeliangrong country. Today, under the banner of “Hozam” ZUF has progressed in the right direction and continues to champion the dream of Zeliangrong Homeland, the Chairman stated in a message issued to the media on Wednesday. 

In his message, S Kamson said, “One must recollect that Zeliangrong people were blessed with heroes in different times to lead their people which were divinely ordained. Haipou Jadonang dared to rise against the Britishers who imposed their administration in our land against our wishes for which he was hanged to death. Rani Gaidinliu chose to revolt against the colonial regime following the footsteps of Haipou Jadonang. She later re-defined and refined the movement of Haipou Jadonang to Zeliangrong Homeland movement.”
Therefore, Zeliangrong People’s Convention (ZPC) was constituted in 1980 demanding for Zeliangrong state for Zeliangrong people within Indian Union. The movement had slowed down when Rani Gaidinliu who was the president of ZPC laid to rest in 1993 in the cool native home village at Luangkao. Tousem Sub Division, Manipur.

“However, the aspiration of the Zeliangrong people to live together under one political administrative unit remained alive in the hearts of all the Zeliangrong people despite repeated attempt by enemies of our people to stop the ZPC movement,” Kamson stated. 

He also stated that after forbearing hard pressed circumstances for decades, the spirit of Zeliangrong unity has moved to form a united front to rekindle and reawaken the ZPC and thus it has emerged as Zeliangrong United Front (ZUF) to keep the aspiration of the people alive. “Thus, we are here today to take the cause of our people forward to its logical and ultimate fulfillment,” he asserted while adding, “It is my humble appeal to all our Zeliangrong country men and women to continue to believe in the collective dream of Zeliangrong Homeland for if we work, and sacrifice together, we shall overcome all obstacles and surely we shall translate into reality the dream someday soon.”

He also acknowledged the “untiring and unending support being rendered by our beloved Zeliangrong countrymen be it in Assam, Nagaland or in Manipur and further appeal to continue to lend us your helping hand as we march forward relentlessly following the footsteps of our pioneering legends Haipou Jadonang and Rani Gaidinliu.”

“I also assure that Zeliangrong United Front is here to give our sincere support to all like-minded organizations who sincerely work for the united vision and aspirations of our Zeliangrong people. Zeliangrong Ringtelou! Hozam!” he concluded.