DC Dimapur calls meeting to discuss resumption of NST services

Dimapur, October 27 (MExN): The Deputy Commissioner of Dimapur, Rajesh Soundarajan, IAS has called for a meeting on October 29 at 11:30 am in the DC’s Conference Hall to discuss matter relating to COVID-19 in view of the resumption of NST services from October 29 onwards and to identify alternative arrangements.

Therefore, the following officers are requested to attend the meeting positively: Commissioner of Police; DMC Administrator; Chief Medical Officer; Medical Superintendent; Commandant, Civil Defence & Home Guard; AGM, NST; Mhalo Humtsoe, RO Convener, Accommodation Committee; H Berimong, SDO(c) Dhansiripar, Convener Reception Committee; Tokugha Achumi GM, DIC-Convener, Control Room, Grievance Cell; Tsidi, EAC (Rev) Convener, transportation committee; Avonuo Kiri, EAC (Dev) Convener, Food Committee; Tali Temsu, EE (R&B) Convener, Renovation & Construction Committee; Lolana Patton, DPRO Convener, Media & Publicity Committee; Vikedulic, EE PHED (Rural) Convener, Water Supply Committee; Imsankaba, EE Power- Convener Power Committee.


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