Do not believe rumors, cautions Dr. Shurhozelie

Our Correspondent
Kohima | August 11

Minister for Planning and Urban Development Dr. Shurhozelie Liezietsu today called upon the party workers not to believe ‘rumors’ arising out month after month on the present DAN government.

Inaugurating the NPF office of the 15th Southern Angami A/C II here at SAPO Building, Mohonkhola, the minister asked the party workers not to be worried by listening to rumours and propaganda but to remain strong and work collectively for the best interest of the state.

Dr. Liezietsu asserted that the DAN government will complete its full term. Expressing his happiness over the setting up of the party office, the minister also stressed on the need to have proper planning in their march for excellence. The minister hoped that the opening of the office will bring the party workers closer, build better understanding and strengthen the party. 

Zaku Tsukru, Vice President NPF Nagaland, Theyiekielie, President NPF Kohima Division, Sazo Kiso, Punoho Thapru and Vipin also spoke on the occasion. The function was chaired by Yocho Angami while Mhasinyu, offered the  vote of thanks.
Morung Express News