Do you agree that the proposed creation of Staff Selection Board would solve the problem of 'backdoor appointment' in Nagaland? Why?

Some of those who voted YES had this to say: 
•    Yes. Up to some extent. As long as vacancy posts are being advertised and exam conducted in a fair manner according to recruitment policy. The minimum qualifications for candidate for all Grade 3 and 4 post should be 10th and 12th passed in line with SSC and other states SSB criteria. However there should be no oral interview.

•    All appointments outside the jurisdiction of NPSC should be done by it other than IV grade.

•    To fill the vacant posts earlier and solve the need of the hour.

•    It will help solving backdoor appointment to some extent. But no matter whatever committee is created, no doubt that 100% free and recruitment will never ever happen. Favoritism/Nepotism is surely going to happen unless the selection is done without interviews.

•    Equal opportunity for everyone as well as 25% of reservations for the Eastern Nagas and 9% reservations for other backward tribes will receive its due share.

•    Yes, only if committed members are selected to the Staff Selection Board. Otherwise it may worsened.

•    Chances are there if they implement strictly.

•    Yes. This can help to select the most deserving candidate, provided there is no face to face interview. The face to face interviews for appointment after the written tests will always create the problem of nepotism, favoritism and backdoor appointments.  


Some of those who voted NO had this to say: 

•    Same people will be the board members.

•    Corruption is never going to be over in this state under this leader.

•    If the backdoor appointment by the elected members then there will be injustice.

•    We have NPSC board why we need another board.

•    The Nagaland Government nor its affiliated agencies have never been transparent nor honest in so many decades, and we talk about overnight change, can expect more hidden agenda of corruption and money laundering!

•    Earth n heaven may pass away but...

•    As long as the staff itself are Nagas or works and functions under political pressure "backdoor appointment" in Nagaland will never be solved or eased.

•    Until and unless genuine officers are appointed there will always be biased in the selection process. I don't understand why even written exam papers are manipulated by the examiner.

•    It will be just like NPSC only.

•    SSB& any system of selection are never fear in Nagaland, e.g. relatives, relationship, money are powerful selector.

•    While selecting candidates, the Staff Selection Board members will select or favour people from their clan, village, family and friends or they may even reserve their quota. So, it'll still be the same. We just need transparency in the system.


Some of those who voted OTHERS had this to say: 

•    Well, GON's recognition and assurance for the establishment of the SSB is promising however it does not come with a guarantee to eradicate corruption. It largely depends on how the SSB is: 

    1-constituted; 2- structured and; 3- the powers or departments to be covered by the SSB and their mode of operation regarding the selection procedure of the candidates. The NSF which has my fullest support in this issue has come a long way and the most crucial time is now therefore it must not loosen its guard until it grasps the intentions on how the GON is planning to constitute it. It is also no easy task to quantify an outcome a commission is going to bring about in the future. How the commission may help in eradicating corruption can be visualised if GON is transparent on the 3 above mentioned points. If the NSF does not see the vision in the constitution of it, rational pressure of inquiry and criticism must be applied to the GON to ensure that the SSB is not just another board of corruption in the making. Keeping in mind the complexity of it, I only wish the GON sets up SSB with a powerful set up of intellectual man-force with the financial ability that will be able to recruit 'All' official state positions not recruited by the NPSC. Yes 'All' excluded by the NPSC. Then, we can think about a corruption free appointment system. The chairman of the SSB must be a retired IAS officer. Oh! I wish he was a philosopher too who could not be tempted.

•    If the chairman is a political appointee then the intended consequence may not be achieved. However there will no doubt be some percentage of meritocracy in the new commission.

•    It may not entirely eradicate the problem of ' backdoor appointment' but it will provide more opportunities for meritorious candidates. A lot will depend on who will constitute the SSB, the members. The SSB should be structured in such a way that it will be outside the influence of others. Having said that, again a whole lot will depend on the integrity of the board members. On a lighter note, the ministers and MLAs should be thankful that now there will be no jobseekers knocking on their doors and they can focus on running the government.

•    This will create another problem instead of solving. Long story short- it will only open doors for their own people whoever gets in.

•    If only transparency is maintained by board members and my biggest concern is if there is leaking in question paper then it will be another drama.

•    The SSB alone wouldn't be the panacea for the backdoor appointment in the state but it definitely is a very positive step to address the problem.

•    Whatever it's a good start.

•    Written somehow we qualify but in oral interview always disqualify.

•    Staff selection can be fare only when it will be based on the pure selection. Few ideas are as below:

    1. Allow each candidate to take home the carbon copy of answer sheet,

    2. An easy & open platform for candidate to fight against any fraud during checking,

    3. Interview should not be the criteria to kickoff any talented person, better if there is a process of providing marks for the interview.

    In fact interview should be planned before written exam for each candidate. It will help in improving fairness during interviews! How? Let me tell you, it will ensure a reasonable pressure on interviewers, if their judgement is not fair about a right talent who scores very well in written exam later, then the interviews can be questioned, hence Interviewer will provide good marks to real talents in interviews.

•    Nepotism rules Nagaland, problems will always be there, till now nothing gets eradicated instead multiplying. Unless SSB will be a complete transparency platform, it may create another disputes.