Some of those who voted YES had this to say:
• Yes, girl child should be given the equal voice and equal right being the child of the same parents why to discriminate between a girl and a boy? Customary laws are made but that doesn't mean we can't change it! Given the circumstances one need to adapt and change one can't let history lead our future. We should create history and live with the present. Just opinion no offense!!
• Because here in Nagaland, people are treated equally, with full liberty, right and honour as well as the state is smaller as compare to other states, we are free to go anywhere were we want to, our people don't have bad intention and impression towards others, they are kind and cheerful person knows how to be good and honest with others. We are totally safe here in Nagaland.
• Well first of all, when you refer about present generation then the girls are getting more opportunities then boys, but most will disagree because the more opportunity is given the more we one, (the more greedy it becomes) no matter what gender is but the questions is not about giving rights or voice, it’s about how should the girls raised their rights and their voices.
Some of those who voted NO had this to say:
• My daughter won't be a Village Council Chairman, Apex Body President or Clan Leader.
Some of those who voted OTHERS had this to say:
• Socially we never wanted difference, but politically it is destruction.
• Amid the customary law the nature of man hierarchy cannot be termed as nonexistent but women generally have the freedom while in comparison to the hardcore Indian society engagement.
• Yes in terms of economic equality. No when we talk about political equality.
• Please respect the culture and tradition of the Nagas.
• Through what I have come across is that for 50% is given equal voice and equal future .While the half 50% is that some people's mentality thinks that Girls has to do with only household works …I would like say that every girl has a dream that they want to pursue and explore it besides household works. Whether boys or girls it should be treated equally in voice/future.
• The concept of Equal Voice is somewhat under blurred lines. Nevertheless, the notion of Equal Future is visible from results of NPSC or HSLC, HSSLC or UG topper list.