Liangsi Niumai John
While understanding the concept of gender it is also important to remind ourselves the concept of sex for better clarity in understanding the concept of gender sensitization. “Gender” means the state of male and female. It refers to the socially constructed roles and responsibilities of women and men, in a given culture or location. These roles are influenced by perceptions and expectations arising from cultural, political, environmental, economic, social, and religious factors, as well as custom, law, class, ethnicity, and individual or institutional bias. Gender attitudes and behaviors are learned and can be changed. The concept of “Sex” refers to the biological differences between women and men. They are generally permanent and universal.
Gender sensitization is sensitizing gender issues at various levels which are very important for the whole society. In other words it is to understand men and women’s contribution and its remarkable role in family, society, politics, religion and economics. It is high time to understand and analyze our own perception and the perception of men and women have about each and other. It is to identify and analyze gender issues such as sexual harassment at workplace, institutions, etc and how it affects men and women as an individual, organization and society.
Gender roles are the activities ascribed to men and women on the basis of perceived differences. “Division of labor” is roles and tasks assigned to women and men on the basis of perceived gender characteristics and attributes, instead of ability and skills.
Why gender sensitization is important today?
Naga Society is male-centered, patriarchal structure of village administration which also evolved with the missionary’s teachings and colonial rule. As a result now we have an established Patriarchal system, which is in contrast to the more liberating values of the teachings of Jesus. Teachings and preaching which is emphasized patriarchy in the religious belief may need to be corrected basing on the truth of biblical history. For example, Christianity portrays God to be masculine the understanding of God from the feminine aspect is lost. If we look at the scriptures it incorporates the feminine qualities of nurturing and bringing up the needs of living beings. The image of God is depicted as Mother, Provider, Housekeeper, and Comforter with the lasting beauty of gentle and quite spirit. Which are found in the scriptures: if we look at the Gospel of Mathew 23:37, ‘….How many times have I wanted to put my arms round all your people, just as hen gathers her chicks under her wings. Here it gives us the understanding that the image of God as mother Hen. Again in the book of Isaiah 49:15, we find the role of God as a mother/ feminine God it says that “Can a woman forget her own baby and not love the child she bore?”I would like to refer the same book of Isaiah 66:12, 13. Even here the Lord is depicted as a mother, who provides, feeds, nurses, holds in her arms with love and care, who comforts you as a mother comforts her child. The same feminine image is depicted even in the book of Deuteronomy 32:10 and 11 the image of our Lord is projected as feminine, a mother who nurtures gives, supports and comforts. These are few bible references which reveal the divine creation of God which is inclusive of gender role of men and women. God created the unique relationship of men and women to live in harmony with natural resources. It speaks about the relevant character and qualities of God as feminine and masculine. However, the hidden biblical context seems to have misinterpreted and reconstructed by some missionaries and male oriented churches and at the same time the traditional practices created by the society has deeply influenced the concept of gender which have resulted inequality, injustice among us. Thus, women’s subordination and marginalization in the church, family, society and politics has terribly affected women and may not be right in the eyes of God.
In our society the issue of gender and its role is hardly discussed which may be due to our deeply rooted culture created by the social system. However, the time has come to express the practical reality of gender role for peace, equality and justice in our society. Gender Sensitization in our Naga Society is the need of the hour. In this aspect I applaud ‘Our Mao Catholic Women Association Congress’ for including this topic for this session on this auspicious occasion of this XIV Session hosted at Senapati on this day.
We are all aware that Nagas are struggling for the recognition of our rights for peace, equality and justice for more than fifty years. In other words we are struggling for recognizing our rights. In the process of our struggle it is very important to understand the situation of gender differences in our society. Gender differences Why? How? And what happened in the past? What is happening at present and what will happen in future? To understand this situation we need to recognize and accept gender roles which are the offspring of our culture and influenced by a social system. God has created us to be equal. Men and women are complimentary to each other but human beings have created us to be unequal. According to Friedrich Engels, who studied the origin of patriarchy that the creation of patriarchy or patriarchal society is instituted by our society, which is about 5000 years old. It can be traced back to about 3000 BC. By 500 BC it was an established system. Patriarchy began with the concept of private property and women were also considered as property. Patriarchy means a male dominated society system. It is a social system which considers male superior, gives them more rights and more access to resources and decision making.
Gender differences in our society
In Naga society men have more visible and recognized roles than women, largely because men are paid well for their productive work and women are not. Men do not usually perform domestic or household tasks. Naga women work hard in production of goods for consumption and surplus products are sold for income. They work for the benefit of their household at the same time earn through daily wages for their family’s benefit and sometimes for their community. Their tasks and responsibilities carried out are mostly in domestic work, cultivation which are closely linked with the forest, land and water. However it is not as visible as men’s role although they also deserved recognition for their valuable contributions made for the family and community. It cannot be denied that they play a very important role for their family’s need and it is usually perceived to be natural and not so important. Because they have not earned much income, they are not recognized and valued as economically productive. And as such their contributions to national economic development are, therefore, often not quantified and are invisible. And as such it may be noted that women’s economically productive roles, in contrast to men are often undervalued or given relatively little recognition.
As per to my observation in the past man is seen as head of the household and bread-winner; the woman seen as nurturer and care-giver but in the present era it is shifting away from that trend although man continue to be head of the family but in some cases woman is seen as excellent bread earner whose source of income can support the whole family including the husband.
We are aware that in the past there are differences in educational opportunities and expectations of girls and boys: family resources are directed to boy’s education; it cannot be denied that less expectation, less encouragement and less challenging on girls academic performance.
Differences in right to land ownership are evident even today. According to Naga customary practices land ownership right is discriminatory against women. Women have no land rights, no right to inheritance which causes serious impact on Naga women and the whole Naga Society. Customary Practice of most tribes does not have maintenance rights when separated or divorced. Child custody of the children is denied and mothers are held at the mercy of the husband and in-laws. Widows and divorced women face severe hurdles such kind of problem is on the rise and the number of widows and crime committed against women such as rape and murder has prevailed in our society. In many cases the guilty/offender are set free due to lack of evidence and in some cases compromised through traditional practices.
In our social and political situation it is unfortunately governed by the patriarchal system which causes lots of hardships for even competent and potential women. All political systems are dominated by men. Women are under-represented at all levels. According to a UNDP Human Development Report of 1997, women’s representation in higher posts in India is as low as 2.3%. There is very less women representation even in small Decision Making Bodies like the Village Authority/Village Councils, Village Development Boards, Town Councils, and Municipalities. (If at all included their name may be there in the records/files for the purpose of reports and to be shown during inspections. It is an interesting fact that in many cases they are not informed and in some cases they are entrusted/expected only to prepare food and refreshment in charge during the Authorities or Councils meeting). In our State Assembly both in Manipur and Nagaland there is not a single women legislator. Another example I would like cite is about the Central Government’s Policies which is run by the bureaucrats and politicians mostly for their self vested interest not for solving the socio-economic problem of the society. The fact that basing on the Planning Commission’s recommendations for developmental programmes, which included package for women in the budget allocated for the states through various programmes irrespective of tribe, race, caste, creed, etc. such as empowerment, capacity building, poverty eradication, literacy etc. which are in the form of financial assistance ( destitute pension, income generating activities for destitute, corpus funds for widows and women) through the state, trainings, schemes, etc. but the hard truth is Naga women in Manipur and Nagaland states are deprived from such programmes. In Nagaland to some extent it has improved after after bifurcation of Women Development Department from Social Welfare Department. Financial Assistance meant for women never reaches our Naga women who truly deserved instead it goes to the pocket of the male members of Village Authorities/Councils, Area MDCs, MLAs, Ministers, Bureaucrats, MPs through understandings and by way of sharing percentage…… In some cases the haves/women who have/who are rich enjoys the share of or are benefited from the share of poor women because of their connections and relations with the people with ranks and files. This situation indicates the magnitude of gender disparities in our Naga Society. Women are not biologically inferior or less competent. The problem is only lack of opportunities and not lack of skill and competency. Are we going to continue to blame men??? Or blame the system?? Very often we have been seeing women are being used and influenced by politicians and men who are in power compromising women’s right. And as such to achieve gender equality our society must recognize the potential of women and encourage women to explore and contribute their talent instead of discouraging.
Our Naga society being a patriarchal society it needs to be more gender sensitized. Like other society It may be noted that the United Nations Declaration has declared a Decade of women in the year 1975-1985, since then societies, churches are sensitized to change the prevailing mindset on Women as inferior or second class citizen. In this modern era women should not be a victim of inequalities anymore. Naga Women need to wake up and act upon it to bring changes in our Naga Society. Women leaders should speak out fearlessly for our rights specially at the grassroots level. In Nagaland state Naga Women is demanding the government for implementation of 33%reservation of seats for women in the towns and Municipalities which is our Constitutional Right. The Naga Women won the case in High Court, Kohima Bench with a remarkable judgement created in the Naga history. However, the Government is silent even after women won the case. We never know they may challenge in the Higher level to satisfy their immature mindset. All the Naga women irrespective of imaginary state boundaries divided by the external agencies need to join hands together and demand our constitutional right without any hesitation. There is huge task lying ahead for all the Naga Women.
Let us see ourselves as creator’s full magnitude. We are not lesser beings. We are special, specific to God’s plan. We bear children and perform household chores, but we also hold within us the qualities by which God’s blessing comes to all mankind. A woman need not think of herself in contest with man or superior to men. We have rights just as a man has his. For centuries our rights were not recognized but the time has come for us to march forward and seek for our right which is our creator’s highest intentions.
We need to understand the truth of the Biblical context how God has chosed Mary our Mother to give birth and nurture Jesus Christ our Saviour. Jesus is indeed “Flesh and Blood of Mary His mother.” God has honored womanhood of Mary and empowered her to liberate woman against suppression and oppression of patriarchal system.
In the Gospel of St. John 11:17-43 Jesus shared with Mary & Martha the profound truth of the resurrection of Lazarus. His compassion towards women can be seen in John 8:2-11, how He dealt justly with the Pharisees when they brought women caught in adultery.
During the time of Jesus His attitude towards women and men is regardless of sex. He said “Whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother and my sister and my mother”. He recognized and Honoured women’s Faith. In Mathew 9:20,21,22-Woman with the issue of blood for 12 years touched the hem of the garments with faith. He commanded her, “daughter all is well! Your faith has healed you.” Again in Mathew 15:28- The Canaanite woman’s persistence resulted in her daughter’s deliverance from an unclean spirit Jesus commended her saying “Woman you have great faith”. Jesus even respected the intellectual capacity of women to receive and understand His teachings. St. John 4:7-26. He had a dialogue with Woman of Samaria for a great length of time. We find in Luke 10: 38-42- Mary sat at Jesus feet and listened to His word. Again in St. John 11:17-43. The resurrection of Lazurus after 4 days brother of Mary and Martha. The profound truth of resurrection He shared with Mary and Martha.
During the Ministry of Jesus He allowed women to Minister Him:
According to the Gospel of St.Mathew 8:14 -Peter’s wife’s mother was sick with fever. Jesus touched her and fever left her, and she got up and began to serve Him.
2) Mark 14:3-9, Mathew 26:6 -13. Mathew 26:13 (Mary Magdalene, a woman came with a precious ointment and anointed Jesus from Head to toe, none of the disciples did.)
3) Mark 12:43,44 Jesus watched the widow put her last two mites into the offering, declared that she had given more than anyone because she knew GOD would provide for all her needs. Indeed the cheerful giver was a poor widow.
Again if we look some of the Legal provision: The Constitution of India read Article 14- Ensures gender equality. Article 15- Prohibits discrimination on grounds of sex. Article 16 -Provides for equality of opportunity in public employment. Article 15 (3)- Permits the State to make special provisions for women and children. Article 39 -Enjoins the State to provide an adequate means of livelihood to men and women .Article 51 A (e) -Makes it a duty of every citizen to renounce practices derogatory to the dignity of women.
To achieve our struggle of ‘gender equality’ we must articulate our rights as citizens of our Nation. We must ensure our daughters and children the right to live with dignity and equality. It is our moral responsibility as sisters, women, mothers of our society to teach our husbands, brothers and sons to respect women’s rights and allow our Naga society to grow in the right direction for peace, justice and equality. Our world will be beautiful and peaceful if we know how to respect, accept and acknowledge the right of one another.
“When peace, equality and justice is restored in our society, we have achieved the greatest thing because our relationship with GOD is set right.”
Thank you and May the Lord Bless the Naga Women according to His magnificent Plans and Designs.
This Speech was delivered on 13th January 2012 during the Mao Catholic Women Association Congress: XIV Session at Senapati District, Manipur State, by -Mrs. Liangsi Niumai John, Advocate and Naga Women Hoho, General Secretary, NWHD.