Dimapur, April 5 (MExN): The Inspector General of Police (Hqr) S.T. Sangtam IPS, has issued a press release regarding the alleged fraudulent withdrawal of funds under Modernization of Police Force. The release stated that the CAG has already pointed out procedural lapses in its report which was laid to the floor of the Nagaland Legislative Assembly. In this regard, a high power committee has been constituted by the Government to look into the points raised by the CAG and the final report of this committee is still awaited.
The release further stated that, under the CAG report, the fund under modernization of Police Force has been stopped in Nagaland. The office of the IGP has not received any communication in this respect. The department continues to get various releases from time to time. The last releases of fund under Modernization of Police Forces were made on March 8, 2011 and March 31, 2011. An appeal has been made to one and all not to personalize the issue or mislead the public.
The release further stated that, under the CAG report, the fund under modernization of Police Force has been stopped in Nagaland. The office of the IGP has not received any communication in this respect. The department continues to get various releases from time to time. The last releases of fund under Modernization of Police Forces were made on March 8, 2011 and March 31, 2011. An appeal has been made to one and all not to personalize the issue or mislead the public.