Kohima, November 22 (DIPR): A meeting will be held with Kohima District Sports Council and the under mentioned Association/disciplines President or Coach of Kohima District at the Conference Hall of the Deputy Commissioner, Kohima on November 24, 3:00 pm in connection with the upcoming 1st Nagaland Olympics 2017 - President ASA & RSA (Athletics) Kohima; President/Coach (Archery) Kohima; President/Coach (Boxing) Kohima; President/coach (Badminton) Kohima; President/Coach (Football) Kohima; President/coach (Lawn Tennis) Kohima; President/Coach (SepakTakraw) Kohima; President/Coach (Table Tennis) Kohima; President/Coach (Taekwondo)Kohima; President, (Volleyball) Association Kohima; President/Coach (Wrestling) Kohima; President/coach (Wushu) Kohima. Therefore all are requested to make it convenient to attend the meeting without fail.